PUBLIC LAW 92-74-AUG. 10, 1971
[85 STAT.
trol: Provided, That the obligated balance of amounts appropriated for safety regulation aetiv ities, under appropriations for Operations" and the unexpended balance of amounts appropriated for "Research and development," for the prior fiscal year, shall be transferi-ed to this appropriation. OPERATION AND MAINTENAXCE, NATIONAL CAPITAL AIRPORTS
For expenses incident to the care, operation, maintenance, improvement, and protection of the federally owned civil airports in the vicinity of the District of Columbia, including purchase of eight passenger motor vehicles for police use, of which seven are for replacement only; purchase, cleaning, and repair of uniforms; and arms and ammunition; $11,467,000. CoxsTRucTiox,
For necessary expenses for construction at the federally owned civil airports in the vicinity of the District of Columbia, $4,930,000, to remain available until expended. AviATiox
72 Stat. 803. 61 Stat. 584.
The Secretary of Transportation is hereby authorized to make such expenditures, within the limits of funds available pursuant to section 1306 of the Act of August 23, 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1536), and in accordance with section 104 of the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended (31 U.S.C. 849), as may be necessary in carrying out the programs set forth in the budget for the current fiscal year for aviation war risk insurance activities under said Act. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES
80 Stat. 416.
For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided, as authorized by law, of the Federal Highway Administration, including services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, $7,129,000, of which $1,400,000 shall be derived from the Highway Trust Fund, together with not to exceed $93,037,000 to be transferred from the appropriation for "Federal-aid highways (trust iundiy': Provided, That not to exceed $15,087,000 of the amount provided herein shall remain available until expended. HIGHWAY BEAUTIFICATION (LIQUIDATION OF CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION)
^ 79 f tat. 1028;
84 Stat. 1726.
84 Stat. 1715.
For payment of obligations incurred in carrying out the provisions of title 23, United States Code, sections 131, 136, and 319(b), $10,000,000, to remain available until expended, together with $1,100,000 for necessary administrative expenses for carrying out such provisions of title 23, United States Code, as authorized by section 105(a) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970. HIGHWAY-RELATED SAFETY GRANTS (LIQUIDATION OF CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION)
80 Stat. 731; 84 Stat. 1740.
For payment of obligations incurred in carrying out the provisions of title 23, United States Code, section 402, administered by the Federal Highway Administration, to remain available until expended, $5,000,000, of which $3,333,333 shall be derived from the Highway