Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/328

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[85 STAT. 298]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 298]


PUBLIC LAW 92-80-AUG. 10, 1971

[85 STAT.

(TENERAL PROVISIONS Withholding of funds, restriction.

Motor v e h i c l e s, transfer.

Research grants.

Expenditures subject to audit.

Federal positions in Washington a r e a.

SEC. '201. Xone of the funds appropriated by this title to the Social and Rehabilitation Service for grants-in-aid of State agencies to cover, in whole or in part, the cost of operation of said agencies, including the salaries and expenses of officers and employees of said agencies, shall be withheld from the said agencies of any States which have established by legislative enactment and have m operation a merit system and classification and compensation plan covering the selection, tenure in office, and compensation of their employees, because of any disapproval of their personnel or the manner of their selection by the agencies of the said States, or the rates of pay of said officers or employees. SEC'. 202. The Secretary is authorized to make such transfers of motor vehicles, between bureaus and offices, without transfer of funds, as may be required in carrying out the operations of the Department. SEC. 203. None of the funds provided herein shall be used to pay any recipient of a grant for the conduct of a research project an amount equal to as much as the entire cost of such project. SEC. 204. None of the funds contained in this Act shall be used for any activity the purpose of which is to require any recipient of any project grant for research, training, or demonstration made by any officer or employee of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to pay to the United States any portion of any interest or other income earned on payments of such grant made before July 1, 1964; nor shall any of the funds, contained in this Act be used for any activity the purpose of which is to require payment to the United States of any portion of any interest or other income earned on payments made before July 1, 1964, to the American Printing House for the Blind. SEC. 205. Expenditures from funds appropriated under this title to the American Printing House for the Blind, Howard University, the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, the Model Secondary School for the Deaf and Gallaudet College shall be subject to audit by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. SEC. 206. None of the funds contained in this title shall be available for additional permanent Federal positions in the Washington area if the proportion of additional positions in the Washington area in relation to the total new positions is allowed to exceed the proportion existing at the close of fiscal year 1966. SEC. 207. Appropriations in this Act for the Health Services and Mental Health Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and Departmental Management shall be available for expenses for active commissioned officers in the Public Health Service Reserve Corps and for not to exceed two thousand eight hundred commissioned officers in the Regular Corps; expenses incident to the dissemination of health information in foreign countries through exhibits and other appropriate means; advances of funds for compensation, travel, and subsistence expenses (or per diem in lieu thereof) for persons coming from abroad to participate in health or scientific activities of the Department pursuant to law; expenses of primary and secondary schooling of dependents, in foreign countries, of Public Health Service commissioned officers stationed in foreign countries, at costs for any given area not in excess of those of the Department of Defense for the same area, when it is determined by the Secretary that the schools available in the locality are unable to provide adequately for the education of such dependents, and for the transportation of such dependents between such schools and their places of residence when the schools are not accessible to such dependents by regular means of transportation; rental or lease