Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/485

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[85 STAT. 455]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 455]

85 STAT.]


PUBLIC LAW 92-157-NOV. 18, 1971

"(2) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, and for each of the two succeeding fiscal years, there are authorized to be appropriated such amounts as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to continue to make scholarship grants to students who received such grants under this subpart from funds made available to the Secretary for such purpose for fiscal years ending before July 1, 1974." (c)



of title VII is amended by adding after the subpart added by subsection (b) of this section the following new subpart:

79 Stat. 1055. 42 USC 295g.


"SEC. 784. (a) I n order to promote the more adequate provision of medical care for persons who— "(1) reside in a physician shortage area; "(2) are migratory agricultural workers or members of the families of such workers; the Secretary may, in accordance with the provisions of this subpart, make scholarship grants to individuals who are medical students and who agree to engage in the practice of primary care after completion of their professional training (A) in a physician shortage area, or (B) at such place or places, such facility or facilities, and in such manner, as may be necessary to assure that, of the patients receiving medical care in such practice, a substantial portion will consist of persons referred to in clause (2). For purposes of this subpart, (1) the term 'physician shortage area' means an area determined by the Secretary under section 741(f)(1)(C) to have a shortage of and a need for physicians, and (2) the term 'primary care' has the meaning prescribed for it by the Secretary under section 7 6 8 (c)(3)(B). "(b)(1) Scholarship grants under this subpart shall be made with respect to academic years. " (2) The amount of any scholarship grant under this subpart to any individual for any full academic year shall not exceed $5,000. " (3) The Secretary shall, in awarding scholarship grants under this subpart, accord priority to applicants as follows— " (A) first, to any applicant who (i) is from a low-income background (as determined under regulations of the Secretary), (ii) resides in a physician shortage area, and (iii) agrees that, upon completion of his professional training, he will return to such area and will engage in such area in the practice of primary care; " (B) second, to any applicant who meets all the criteria set forth in subparagraph (A) except that prescribed in clause (i); " (C) third, to any applicant who meets the criterion set forth in clause (i); and " (D) fourth, to any other applicant. ' ' (c)(1) Any scholarship grant awarded to any individual under this subpart shall be awarded upon the condition that such individual will, upon completion of his professional training, engage in the practice of primary care— " (A) in the case of any individual who, in applying for a scholarship grant under this subpart, met the criteria set forth in subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (b)(3), in the physician shortage area in which he agreed (pursuant to such subparagraph) to engage in such practice; and " (B) in the case of any individual who did not agree (pursuant to such subparagraph (A) or (B)) to engage in such practice in

"Physician shortage a r e a, " Ante, p. 449. "Primary care. Post, p. 458.
