Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1399

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[87 STAT. C33]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. C33]

SUBJECT INDEX Foreign Direct Investment Regulation, ap- ^^^^ propriation for 647 Foreign Military Sales Act: Amendments— Defense articles procurement contracts 730, 731 Defense sales and services, reduction. 729 Military credits, ceiling 730 Weapons transfers, conditions 729 Appropriation for eflfecting provisions.. 1053 Contractual liability of Israel under, release 837 Repeal of certain provisions 731 Foreign Policy, Commission on the Organization of the Government for the Conduct of: Appropriation for 654 Report on study, time extension 452 Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1972: Amendments— Commission on the Organization of the Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy, report on study, time extension 452 Congress, expression of individual views to 455 Appropriation for eflfecting provisions 654, 1054 Foreign Service Act of 1946: Amendment, recommendations for promotions 453 Appropriation for effecting provisions... 636638, 640, 654, 657, 1054 Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926: Amendment, construction and maintenance abroad, authorization 98 Appropriation for effecting provisions 637 Forest Highways, appropriation for 335 Forest Products Week, National, 1973, proclamation 1257 Forest Service: Appropriation for 104, 121, 440, 1075 Highland Scenic Highway, W. Va., construction as a parkway 279 Tree planting, assistance to States, appropriation for 442 Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho, replacement of American Falls Dam, prorated construction costs, authorization of funds 905 Foster Children Week, National Action for, 1973, proclamation 1174 Foster Grandparent Program: Authorization of funds 55, 415 Minority group participation 404 G


Gabon, Albert Schweitzer Hospital: Appropriation for Authorization for grants

C33 Page

Gallaudet College, appropriation for Gambling, Commission of the Review of National Policy Toward, appropriation for . Gas, Office of Oil and, appropriation for...

759 523 436, 1074

Gas and Oil: First sale of certain oil and gas, exemption from price restraints and allocation programs 590 Mandatory allocation program 629 Rights-of-way for pipelines through Federal lands 576-584 Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act 584 Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968, Natural, appropriation for effecting provisions _ 330 Gasoline, mandatory allocation program. _ 632 General Accounting Office: Appropriation for 119, 547 Comptroller General. See separate title. District of Columbia government, annual audit; effective date 823, 836 General Education Provisions Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 753-756 General Pulaski's Memorial Day, proclamation 1234 General Services Administration: Administrator, Office of the, appropriation for 127,520 Appropriation for.26, 117, 126, 488, 517, 1084 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, member. _ 392 Automated Data and Telecommunications Service, appropriation for.. 127, 520 Consumer Information Center, appropriation for 488 Defense Manpower Commission, administrative services for 611 Emergency preparedness, appropriation for 521 Federal Supply Service, appropriation for _- 127,519 Former Presidents, appropriation for office staff, etc 521 General provisions. Appropriation Act 521, 1085 International Center for Foreign Chanceries— Appropriation for 640 Site development in the District of Columbia, appropriation authorization 74 National Archives and Records Service— American Revolution bicentennial commemoration, cooperation 701 Appropriation for 127, 619, 1085 1050 733 Federal Register. See separate title.