Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1400

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[87 STAT. C34]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. C34]



General Services Administration—Con. ^^^'^ Government Organization and Employees. ^^^^ National Capital Planning Commission, See also individual departments and ex officio member 781 agencies. National Visitor Center Facilities Act of Aliens, employment 489, 525, 545, 1038 1968, amendments — American Revolution Bicentennial AdConstruction and alteration of Union ministration, Administrator, m e m Station as the National Visitor bers, appointments and compensaCenter, authorization of funds__ 146 tion 698 Interpretive transportation services._ 146 American Revolution Bicentennial AdP r o p e r t y M a n a g e m e n t and Disposal visory Council, members, appointService, appropriation for 26, m e n t s and compensation 699 117, 127, 520, 1085 American Revolution Bicentennial Public Buildings Act of 1959— Board, members, appointments and Amendment, Robert F. Kennedy compensation 703 Stadium, D.C., increase in seatClaims, appropriation for settlement 117, ing capacity 169 1085 Appropriation for effecting proviComprehensive employment and trainsions 518 ing programs, utilization of agency Public Buildings Amendments of 1972, services and facilities 881 appropriation for effecting proviDependents of employees overseas, kinsions 519 dergarten education allowance 454 Public Buildings Service— Detailed State Department personnel, Appropriation for 126, 517, 1084 reimbursement 453 Federal Council on the Arts and the Disabled Federal employees, vocational Humanities, member 464 rehabilitation services 366 Strategic and Critical Materials Stock District of Columbia government. FedPiling Act. See separate title. eral services to 822, 836 United States Railway Association, Employees in missing s t a t u s, forfeited offices, services, etc 989 annual leave, payment 707 Geological Survey, appropriation for.- 434, 1074 Employment and advancement, s t u d y Geological Survey National Center, Reson artificial barriers to, cooperaton, Va., designation as the J o h n tion 863 Wesley Powell Federal Building 709 Endangered and t h r e a t e n e d species Georgia: conservation programs, cooperaRichard B. Russell D a m and Lake 503 tion 892 Tobacco acreage allotments or quotas, Former employees, lost annual leave, emergency lease or transfer 178 claim for payment 706 Trotters Shoals D a m and Lake, reH and i c a p p e d individuals— n a m e d the Richard B. Russell D a m Employment of, s u b m i t t a l of affirmaa n d Lake 503 tive action program plans to Civil Service Commission 390 Gerontology, Multidisciplinary Centers of, Vocational rehabilitation services progrants

48 grams for, cooperation 366 Gold Reserve Act of 1934, Amendment, Health benefits, extension of coverage to repeal of provisions prohibiting prili.S. nationals 635 vate ownership of gold; effective date. 352 I n d e p e n d e n t regulatory agencies, inforGovernment Corporation Control Act: mation to from business enterprises. 593 Amendments— Interagency Committee on H and i Consolidated Rail Corporation, a capped Employees, establishment.. 390 "mixed-ownership Government Law Enforcement Assistance Adminiscorporation 1005 tration— ~ United States Railway Association, a ~ Administration, Deputy Administra"mixed-ownership Government tor for, compensation 197, 211 corporation" 992 Policy Development, Deputy Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 339, ministrator for, compensation. 197, 211 479, 753, 756 Leave system administration, improveGovernment National Mortgage Associament 705 tion: Life insurance, extension of coverage to Appropriation for 491 U.S. nationals 635 NASA, Associate Administrators, comPurchase of mortgages, extension of pensation 175 waiver of limitation 221, 422