Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/125

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-262-APR. 12, 1974


and the lender shall have no further claim against the borrower or the United States. The Secretary shall then take such further collection action as may be warranted, or may cancel the uncollectable portion of any debt assigned pursuant hereto. The Secretary may establish a date upon which accrual of interest or charges shall cease. SEC. 213. Whenever the Secretary finds that any lender or holder of,„^°ft'j;„\^""^^' a guaranty certificate fails to maintain adequate accounting records, 25 USC 1493. or to demonstrate proper ability to service adequately loans guaranteed or insured, or to exercise proper credit judgment, or has willfully or negligently engaged in practices otherwise detrimental to the interests of a borrower or of the United States, he may refuse, either temporarily or permanently, to guarantee or insure any further loans made by such lender or holder, and may bar such lender or holder from acquiring additional loans guaranteed or insured hereunder: Provided, That the Secretary shall not refuse to pay a valid guaranty or insurance claim on loans previously made in good faith. SEC. 214. Any evidence of guaranty or insurance issued by the Sec- Eligibility. retary shall be conclusive evidence of the eligibility of the loan for guaranty or insurance under the provisions of this Act and the amount of such guaranty or insurance: Provided, That nothing in this section shall preclude the Secretary from establishing, as against the original lender, defenses based on fraud or material misrepresentation or bar him from establishing, by regulations in force at the date of such issuance or disbursement, whichever is the earlier, partial defenses to the amount payable on the guaranty or insurance. SEC. 215. Title to any land purchased by a tribe or by an individual '^^'^'^ titles. Indian with loans guaranteed or insured pursuant to this title may be taken in trust, unless the land is located outside the boundaries of a reservation or a tribal consolidation area approved by the Secretary. Title to any land purchased by a tribe or an individual Indian which is outside the boundaries of the reservation or approved consolidation area may be taken in trust if the purchaser was the owner of trust or restricted interests in the land before the purchase, otherwise title shall be taken in the name of the purchaser without any restriction on alienation, control, or use. Title to any personal property purchased with loans guaranteed or insured hereunder shall be taken in the name of the purchaser. SEC. 216. The financial transactions of the Secretary incident to or 25 USC 1496. arising out of the guarantee or insurance of loans, and the acquisition, management, and disposition of property, real, personal, or mixed, incident to such activities, shall be final and conclusive upon all officers of the Government. With respect to matters arising out of the guaranty or insurance program authorized by this title, and notwithstanding the provisions of any other laws, the Secretary may— (a) sue and be sued in his official capacity in any court of competent jurisdiction; (b) subject to the specific limitations in this title, consent to the modification, with respect to the rate of interest, time of payment on principal or interest or any portion thereof, security, or any other provisions of any note, contract, mortgage, or other instrument securing a loan which has been guaranteed or insured hereunder; (c) subject to the specific limitations in this title, pay, or compromise, any claim on, or arising because of any loan guaranty or insurance; (d) subject to the specific limitations in this title, pay, compromise, waive, or release any right, title, claim, lien, or demand, however acquired, including, but not limited to, any equity or right of redemption;