Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/126

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975


Indian Loan Guaranty and Insurance Fund. 25 USC 1497.

Rules and regulations. 25 USC 1498.

PUBLIC LAW 93-262-APR. 12, 1974

[88 STAT.

(e) purchase at any sale, public or private, upon such terms and for such prices as he determines to be reasonable, and take title to property, real, personal, or mixed; and similarly sell, at public or private sale, exchange, assign, convey, or otherwise dispose of such property; and (f) complete, administer, operate, obtain, and pay for insurance on, and maintain, renovate, repair, modernize, lease, or otherwise deal with any property acquired or held pursuant to the guaranty or insurance program authorized by this title. SEC. 217. (a) There is hereby created an Indian Loan Guaranty and Insurance F u n d (hereinafter referred to as the "fund") which shall be available to the Secretary as a revolving fund without fiscal year limitation for carrying out the provisions of this title. (b) The Secretary may use the fund for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations with respect to loans guaranteed or insured under this title, but the aggregate of such loans which are insured or guaranteed by the Secretary shall be limited to $200,000,000. (c) All funds, claims, notes, mortgages, contracts, and property acquired by the Secretary under this section, and all collections and proceeds therefrom, shall constitute assets of the fund; and all liabilities and obligations of such assets shall be liabilities and obligations of the fund. The Secretary is authorized to make agreements with respect to servicing loans held, guaranteed, or insured by him under this title and purchasing such guaranteed or insured loans on such terms and conditions as he may prescribe. (d) The Secretary may also utilize the fund to pay taxes, insurance, prior liens, expenses necessary to make fiscal adjustments in connection with the application and transmittal of collections, and other expenses and advances to protect the Secretary for loans which are guaranteed or insured under this title or held by the Secretary, to acquire such security property at foreclosure sale or otherwise, and to pay administrative expenses. SEC. 218. The Secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this title. TITLE III — I N T E R E S T S U B S I D I E S AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES

25 USC 1511.

Appropriation. 25 USC 1512.

SEC. 301. The Secretary is authorized under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe to pay as an interest subsidy on loans which are guaranteed or insured under the provisions of title II of this Act amounts which are necessary to reduce the rate payable by the borrower to the rate determined under section 104 of this Act. SEC. 302. There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary (a) to carry out the provisions of sections 217 and 301 of this Act, such sums to remain available until expended, and (b) for administrative expenses under this Act not to exceed $20,000,000 in each of the fiscal years 1975, 1976, and 1977. TITLE IV — I N D I A N B U S I N E S S GRANTS

Indian Business Development Program. Establishment. 25 USC 1521.

SEC. 401. There is established within the Department of the Interior the Indian Business Development Program whose purpose is to stimulate and increase Indian entrepreneurship and employment by providing equity capital through nonreimbursable grants made by the Secretary of the Interior to Indians and Indian tribes to establish and expand profit-making Indian-owned economic enterprises on or near reservations.