Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/569

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

PUBLIC LAW 94-104—OCT. 6, 1975 Cyprus nor transfer to Cyprus any United States supplied implements of w a r: Provided further, That the authorities contained in this section shall not become effective unless and until the President determines and certifies to the Congress that the furnishing of defense articles and defense services, and the issuance of licenses for the transportation of implements of war, arms and ammunition under this section are important to the national secur i t y interests of the United States; and (B) the President is requested to initiate discussions with the Government of Greece to determine the most urgent needs of Greece for economic and military assistance. (C) the President is requested to initiate discussions with the Government of Turkey concerning effective means of preventing the diversion of opium poppy into illicit channels. (2) The President is directed to submit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the Foreign Relations and Appropriations Committees of the Senate within sixty days after the enactment of this Act a report on discussions conducted under subsections (b)(1)(B) and (C), together with his recommendations for economic and milit a r y assistance to Greece for the fiscal year 1976. (c)(1) Section 620(x) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended by striking out all after the word ''Provided, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: " That the President is authorized to suspend the provisions of this section and of section 3(c) of the Foreign Military Sales Act only with respect to sales, credits, and guaranties under the Foreign Military Sales Act, as amended, for the procurement of such defense articles and defense services as the President determines and certifies to the Congress are necessary in order to enable Turkey to fulfill her defense responsibilities as a member of the North Atlantic T r e a t y Organization. Any such suspension shall be effective only while Turkey shall observe the cease-fire and shall neither increase its forces on Cyprus nor transfer to Cyprus any United States supplied arms, ammunition, and implements of war.". (2) Section 620(x) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is further amended by designating the present subsection as paragraph (1) and by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph: " (2) The President shall submit to the Congress within sixty days after the enactment of this paragraph, and at the end of each succeedi n g sixty-day period, a report on progress made during such period toward the conclusion of a negotiated solution of the Cyprus conflict.". (3) Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing (A) military assistance to Turkey under chapter 2 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, or (B) sales, credits, or guaranties to or on behalf of Turkev under the Foreign Military Sales Act for the procurement of defense articles or defense services not determined by the President to be needed for the fulfillment of Turkey's North Atlantic T r e a t y Organization responsibilities. (4) Pursuant to the provisions of this section, in the case of any letter of offer to sell any defense article or defense service pursuant to the Foreign Military Sales Act for $25,000,000 or more, the President shall submit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a statement containing (A) a brief description of the defense article or defense service to be offered, (B) the dollar amount of the proposed sale, (C) the United States A r m e d Force which fs making the sale, and (D) the date on which any letter of offer to sell is to be issued. The letter of offer shall not be issued if the Congress, within twenty

89 STAT. 509

Report to Speaker of the House and congressional committees. 22 USC 23701.

22 USC 2753.

22 USC 2370.

22 USC 2311 et seq. 22 USC 2751. Report to Speaker of the House and chairman of eommittee on Foreign Relations.