Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1025

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TREATY WITH BRAZIL. Jar:. 27, 1849. 973 the respective documents which ao entre ues ele overno im - . _ S P 8 P6 throw light upon them shall be de- nal os respectivos decumentos que livered by the imperial govern- lhes servae de ilIustragao,logo que ment to that of the United States, a presente convengao tenha a ratiso soon as this convention shall ficagao do governo dos Estados receive the ratification of the gov- Unidos. ernment of said States. Anrrcnn IV. Ammo IV. The sum agreed upon shall be A soma estipulada sera entregue The sumagreed paid by the imperial government polo geverno imperial ao dos Es- !¤P°¤ *° `°° PW} to that of the United States, in the tados Unidos em moeda corrrente 223 _ current money of Brazil, as soon do Brazil, logo que conste nesta as the iratincaas the exchange of the ratifications certe a treca das ratincacoes desta $;?d%2t;“;:3' of this convention is made known convencao para o que sua Mages- known. i in this capital, for which his Majes- tade o Imperador do Brazil e comty, the Emperor of Brazil, pledges promette a obter os precisos funhimself to obtain the necessary dos na proxima sessao legislativa. funds at the next session of the legislature. Amrrcnu V. Arvrroo V. The payment of the sum above Ainda que o pagamento da Paymentefthe named of five hundred and thirty quantia supra mencionada de quin- jg': ';*:,°d thousand milreis shall not be made hentos e trinta centos de reis nao am: ,1,, :;,2,- until after the reception of the no- se etfectue, senae depois de chegar tion at the ¤¤pitice in this capital of the exchange a esta c6rte a noticia da troca das 31,,;; ;l}°m§;f of ratitications; but the said sum ratificagoes, a dita quantia vence- cations, but tc shall bear interest, at six per cen- ra o juro de seis por cento ao l’F°’ i“*°*f° **~ tum per annum, from the first day anno, desde e primeiro de Julho m Pu °°°` of July next; the imperial gov- proxime future; obrigando-se o ernment, however, obliges itself governo imperial a fazer bem esse to make good that interest only juro, so quando, na forma do prewhen, in conformity to the preced- cedentc artigo desta cenvengae, se ing article of this convention, the verilique o pagamento da soma amount stipulated shall be paid. ajustada. Anrrcrn VI. Arvrrco VI. The present convention shall be A presente cenvengao sera rati- Convention to ratified, and the ratirications ex- licada, e as ratificagoes trocadas pgtiggggggg fg? changed, in Washington, within em Washington, dentro de deze changed within twelve/months after it is signed in mezes depeis de sua assignatura *W¢lV¤ ¤¤¤¤*·h¤· this capital; or sooner, if possible. nesta certe, ou mais cedo so for possivel. In faith of which we, Plenipo- Em fé do que nos Plenipotententiaries of the United States of ciarios de sua Magestade o Impe- America, and of his Majesty the rador do Brazil e dos Estados Uni- Emperor of Brazil, sign and seal dos da America assignamos e selthe same. lamos a presente. S, ed mh Done in the city of Rio de Ja- Feita na cidade do Rio de Ja- Jun. fg4g_' neiro this twenty-seventh day of neiro aes vinte e sete de Janeiro January, in the year of our Lord do anno do Nascimento de Nosso one thousand eight hundred and Senhor Jesus Christo de mil eito forty-nine. centos e quarenta e novo. DAVID TOD, r.. s. VISCONDE DE OLINDA. [L. s.] VISCONDE DE OLINDA. 1.. s.E|| DAVID TOD. [L. s.