Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1089

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INDEX. 1037 Loomis, Walter, Mail Stmmvhzpa, (continued.) settlement of claim orf, - · 711, 712 between Havana and Chagres, 187, Laredo, . . 267, 375, 514, 623 drawback on goods from, · - 410 between Panama and Oregon, 188, 267, Loumana, _ 320, 376, 514, 623 further time granted to locate claims iu, between Charleston and Havana, 246, _ 341 379, 461, 628 drainage of swamp lands in, - - 352 to Astoria, · 200, 201, 267, 268 District Courts in, · - - 401 penalties for breach of contract respect- Inuhiana Volunteers, ing, --·- 241, 242 appropriations for, · — - 8, 115 contracts not assignable, - 242 Loulwilk, net proceeds of postage from, applicamarine hospital at, - 367, 534, 609 tion of, - - T - 272 public buildings at, -_ - - 609 payments to, to be made according to Low, Janter, service performed, - 514, 623 pension to, ----- 659 advances to be refnmded with interest, Lowry, S. B., 623 payment to, - - - ·· 667 increased service on the Pacific, 623, Loyless, B. J., 624 claim of, to be settled and paid, - 704 Collins’s line oi) to be under his control, 625 to take on board four passed midship- M, men and one mail agent, - 187 Maine, Macao, allowance of interest to, ·- - 626 jurisdiction of consule, 8:0., at, taken away, Mains, James, 468 pension to, ---- - 662 Macedonian, Maison Rouge Grunt, use of, granted to George C. De Kay, to act for relief of purchasers of, - 565 carry provisions to Ireland and Scotland, Meyer, 207 appointment of one additional, to a regiexpense of sending her to carry relief to ment, -—--- 124 M Irelgud, to be paid, - - » 290 fromdwhatheless to be taken, · f124 adepore, medial, of the act re uiring d1selurg' e o a - arbitration of claim of, · - · 747 mgitional majors, of - -· - 247 Madison, City of Indiana, Mqybr- Generals, relinquishment of land to, - - 691 appointment of one additional, — 17 Madison, James, reduction, on conclusion of peace, 17 purchase of manuscripts o£ - — 235 of volunteers, ---— 20 amount. how paid to Mrs. Madison, 235 additional number to be appointed, 184 Magazines, Naval. See Navy. when to be discharged, - ·- 184 Magnetic Clock, no new to be appointed till the number is purchase of, from Dr. Locke, -· 374 reduced to one, - - — 247 Magnetic Telegraph, Managers of Smithsonian Institution. See Smithsale or lease of, authorized, - - 19 aoniem Institution. proceeds oi] — - - · · 89 Manger Stopper, Mia:’c__Palcnt, Mail, appropriation to purchase the rightof using, transportation of, in steamships. See Mail 82 Slsamahqza. Maniac, Gold, Q; Co., transportation of, throughforeign countries, excess of duties to be refunded to, 8;, 624, 645 6 5 transportation oi} across isthmus, to Pena- Monica, Phebu, Q Co., me, - -·--- 624 excess of duties to be refunded to, 84, 675 Hail Agent, Manly, John, one to be in each mail steamer, - 187 pension of) ----- 729 pay of§ ---- 152, 593 Maps and Charts, Mail Carriers, depot for, ----- 268 authorized to carry papers out of the mail, Murine Corps, 202 increase ot] authorized, - - 164 Mail Conlraclora, officers oi} how to be appointed, - 154 in Texas, to be compensated, — 16 when to be reduced, - - - 165 security required o£ - - - 188 appropriations for. I`00, 172, 270. 377, 517, may carry newspapers out of the mail, _ 625 202 no payment to be made to any officer of, by limitation of disabilities of, - ·- 863 virtue of hisbeing u brigudrer-general by Mail Steamahips, brovet, --—-- 100 appropriations for provisions respecting, Mariner, 4 to Bremen, 19, 162, 245, 379, 461, put on same footing as army in respect to 692 bounty aud extra pay, - - 340 to Havre, ·· - · 461, 692 no prize money to `be paid to, _ - 340 between New York and Liverpool, 187, bounty to non-commissioned officers in, on 267, 375. 378, 614, 623, 625 reenlistment, ---- 340 between New York and New Orleans, may be substituted for landsmen in the ` 187, 267, 375, 514, 623 navy, ---·- 377