Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1090

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1038 INDEX. Hmm, (continued.) M¤Ch1 H. J1 provision for oicers cf, who have been dis- payment to, ’ - - · 812 ghngrgedé - · f, · · · 3{cCloud, John G., ds re ion ompayo · - · permxt.ted' toentercertainlnn , - 667 Harmon, McCuHoch, Adam, punishment of certain odenccs ct) - 73 to be paid $300 for Goat Island, - 653 lfan/mln, Llc0n7b}:. R. S., to whom to make theimpayments, 62, 63 purchase of his mods of refining bullion to serve process to orco provisions of authorized, — · - - 530 certain treaties, - ·· - 79 McDonald, James, of the southern district of Georgia to per- payment to widow of, - - · 364 form the duties of the northern, 281 McEwen, Captain Akzasader, supervision of accounts oi, - - 395 pension 0L ~·-· · 781 duties of, respecting the census, 428, 445 1{cGarr, John, duties of, under oct for reclamation of fugi- nnval pension of, - - · 7 47 tires from labor, — - - 462 McGuire, J. C., of Califomin, to appoint a deputy to attend payment to, ·--- 424 sessions of commissioners on land claims, McIntosh, Betsey, _ 632 payment to, - · · ~ 7 46 appointment md pay of, in Mclimzie, Charles MC, Arkansas, -·-· 695 authorized to locate certain lands in Mich- California, · - — - 522 igsu, --·—· 656 Georgia, ·-~- 281 Mclfmznb, William, Flondn, - - - 131, 132 payment to legal representatives oi, 730 Iowa, ---·- 412 M¤La1•e, Charles, Louisiana, · - · · 402 land claim cordrmed to, - 785, 786 Oregon, ·•·· 327 .3{cLaughIin, John, New Mexico, · — - 450 land claim confirmed to, - - 499 Minnesota, ---- 406 McNair, Dnmning R., Texas, ---· 1, 2 money to be refunded tc, - · 810 UQ8h. j ---- 457 MoH0a, Mary, W isconsm, -—·- 67 pension of, -~-- 776 Martin, Jacob L., Mecklenburg-Se/aeperin, payment to, -—-- 300 accession oi; to treaty with Hanover of Maryland. June 10, 1846, ---- 910 assent of Congress to mt of, 438, 467 declaration of accession of the govern- 114:-y Teresa, ment of the Grand Duchy of Mechregister to issue to. · - - 732 lenburg-Schwerin to the treaty belfcmers in the Navy, tween the United States and Hanopay of, when acting cs lieutennnts, 271 ver of June 10, IS46, - 910 Llaaterson Patrick, vessels of both parties placed on the pension to, --·-- 661 same footing in regard to imports- Hatagorda, Texan, tions of foreign merchandise. and in made a port of delivery, - · 2, 182 regard to duties on zonnegc and surveyor at, -·-- 2, 182 cargoes, --—- 911 Malchcs, Injhmmabk, the same reciprocity to prevail in repenalty for shipping, without giving notice gurd to exports, and duties, drawin writing, ·--- 636 backs, &c., on the same, - 911 Harlaemariu, port charges to be reciprocal, - 912 number of professors of, not to exceed preceding artidc not applicable to the twelve, ~ -·-- 272 coasting trade, · - - 912 duties and pay of professors oi - 272 no priority or preference to be given Madison, Lois, in the purchase of any article on pension to, —---- 666 account of the national character of Maury, Lieutenant, the vessel in which it is imported, vessels maybe detailed to make observa- 912 tions u to his theory of winds and cur- right to wrecks of the sea abolished, rents. —-·•- 878 912 Maxwell, William, in cases of shipwreck, assistance to bc judgment against, to be cancelled, 800 rendered, ---- 912 Hay, Reynolds, charges of salvnfe to be reciprocal, 913 discharged from s certain judgment. 717 where repairs o vessels are necessary, Hayfdd, George, nc charges or fee to be exscted for land patent to issue to, - 660, 651 that part of their cargoes unloaded, ""’"" {5.**** m.,.,,., r { 3i? to paid — — · 286 except c arges or storage, Hays, Blizabeib, what vessels the privileges of this pension of, · - - ·· · 756 treaty extend zo, - ·· 913 Hcrtlliscr, John, crows of the vessels of Mochlenhnrgreward for recnlistment, · - 666 Schwerin, · ·- - 913 Jfcdlpia, Wn. J., no higher or other duties to be impsymsnt to, —-·- 618 posed on the importation of articles H60C8h!} W"•lH•»•, into either country, the growth, prodpeuiunto, ·- ---- 655 ue•,manufactur•,&•.,olth•cth•r,