282 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 153,154, 155. 1848. applied for the use of schools in such townships of said State as in which the sixteenth or school sections are comparatively valueless, and the legislature may locate said lands in_any legal subdivisions, not less than forty acres, within the limits of said State. Approved, August 11, 1848. Avg_ I], 1343, Cgnr. CLIII.—-An Act to chavtge the Time of holding the Circuit and Diezmz
—-—— Courts m the State of Kzntuoky.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Timg<>fh<>1di¤§ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the spring g‘;m(_;Q'°"f§0::u terms of the District and Circuit Courts of the United States in and or me _U¤1ted for the district of Kentucky shall hereafter commence on the third 23;:8 0,5** KQ: Monday in May, annually, and the fall terms. of the same courts shall mckylchanged. hereafter commence on the third Monday in October, annually, and may continue in session at each term the number of yuridical days now allowed by law; and all actions, suits, appeals, recognizances, processes, writs, and proceedings whatever, pending or which may be pending in said courts or returnable thereto, shall have day therein, and be heard, tried, proceeded with and decided in like manner as if the time of holding said courts or sessions had not been hereby altered Approved, August 11, 1848. Aug jr], ]34.g_ CHAP. CLIV ·—-An Aol to change the Time of holding the Term: of the Circuit -—-—-—-—— Court of the United States in the Dzstrzct of Mama. Be it enacted by the Senate mad House of Representatives of the Timeofholding United States cyf America in Congress assembled, That the terms of
- l’° C;‘°“‘§JC‘?“’§ the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Maine shall
ggé, EK d;;:;; hereafter be held as follows, to wit: on the twenty-third day of April, <>f Mains, <=h¤¤>g— and on the twenty-third day of September, in each year, instead of the ed' time now by law appointed; and all actions, suits, appeals, recognizances, writs, processes, and other roceedincs whatever, endin in said court or returnable thereto, sliinll have day, and be hgard, tged, Proviso. proceeded with, and decided accordingly: Provided, however, That whgn eitherhof said days shall happen on Sunday, then the session of sai court s all commence on the next day. Approved, August 11, 1848. Aug. ll, 1848. CHAP. CLV. —.rfIn Act renewing certain .NavalPensions, and extending the Bene- —·*·—*‘··— fits of existing Laws, respecting Naval Pnasimw, to Engineers, Fireman, and Coal-heavers in the .N'a.·uy, and to their Widows. 3c it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the {Natal pensions United States of America in Congress assenibled, That all those widows §ng°;f£;;’°;$ and such child or children as are .now receiving a pension under any newed. of the laws of Congress passed prior to the first of August, eighteen hundred and forty-one, (excepting the law passed the third of March, 1837,ch.4:2. eighteen hundred and thirty-seven,) and those widows and children who have received pensions at any time within live years prior to the passage of this act, may and shall continue to receive the same amount as they have received under any special act, from the time such special Pmvxso. get expgdz Igovidehd, Such act ceased on or after the first day of eptem r, ei teen undred and fort -f·ive or ma hereafter terminate fensionsto be And all suchgpensions as are now iii forde, and inch as are renewed £;£;?d°m°50;i by this act, shall be paid out of any money in the treasury l10i time u widows, otherwise appropriated, so long as the said widows shall live as widows; and in case of the death, before or after the passage of this act, of the