Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/309

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 156. 1848. 283 widows, to the orphan child or children of the deceased parties, until In¢¤¤¢_•>*`<l¤¤¤¤ they respectively arrive at the age of sixteen years; and to the child ‘:gd:‘,,“:"“g:,,0$,§ or children of said widows in case of marriage by said widows, until tobepaitliotheir said child or children shall respectively arrive at the age of sixteen :’,l_';ld’°'! “'!"f _ . . . . yamve at six years; and that the act approted thirtieth April, eighteen hundred and ,,,,,,,}.8,,,,,; ,g,,_ forty-four, shall not be so construed as to exclude officers, seamen, or um., eii.15, marines from their pensions when disabled for sea service: Provided, Proviso. That the whole amount received by the pensioner, including pay for his service and pension, shall not exceed his lowest duty pay. That the orphan child or children of the deceased parties shall have a pension in case the widow has died after drawing a five years' pension, to commence at the time when the widow dies, and to continue until the child or children shall respectively reach the age of sixteen years; and that any casualty by which an officer, seaman, or marine has lost or may lose his life while in the line of his duty, shall be considered suliicient to entitle the widow, child or children to all the benefits of this act. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That engineers, firemen, and P¤¤Si¤¤ l¤W¤ coahheavers in the navy shall be entitled to pensions in the same man- g:f,;;°d,,;’m';:',' ner as officers, seamen, and marines; and the widows of engineers, and eoil-heaven; coal-heavers, and firemen in the same manner as the widows of officers, in }l"’ .“"Y· ‘“d . , . . · 11i0I? \\'1dO\\S Zlld seamen, and marines: Provided, That the pension of a chief engineer c;,;id,.,_,,,_ shall be the same as that of a lieutenant in the navy; and a pension _Rates or periof the widow of a chief engineer the same as that of the widow of a *'°”· lieutenant in the navy; the pension of a first assistant engineer the same as that of a lieutenant of marines; and the pension of the widow of a first assistant engineer the same as that of the widow of a lieutenant of marines; the pension of a second or third assistant engineer the same as that of a forward officer; and the pension of the widow of a second or third assistant engineer the same as that of the widow of a forward officer ; the pension of a fireman or coal-heaver the as that of a seaman ; the pension of the widow of a fireman or coal-heaver the same as that of the widow of a seaman: And provided further, Pmvtso. That an engineer, fireman, or coal~heaver shall not be entitled to any pension by reason of a disability incurred prior to the thirty-first of August, eighteen hundred and forty-two, nor shall the widow of an engineer, fireman, or coal·heaver be entitled to any pension by reason of the death of her husband, if his death was prior to the said date. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the amount of pension in _A¤¤<>¤;¤¢¥|`p餷 every case arising under this law [ts] not to exceed the halfipay of the 3; hs,-_;; deceased officer, seaman, or marine, as it existed in January, eighteen of the deceased. hundred and thirty-five, or such rate of pension as is allowed by this act. Approved, August 11, 1848. Cru?. CLVI. —-An Act to surrender to the Stateqflndiana the Cumberland Road Aug. ll, 1848. in said Slate. "'°‘”_'*"‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the Thatpartolthe Cumberland road as lies within the State of Indiana, and all the interest Tg: of the United States in the same, together with all the timber, stone, dune or Indiana and other materials belonging to the United States, and procured for ;“F5°é’gj;°d '° the purpose of being used in the construction of said road, and all the m ' rights and privileges of every kind belonging to the United States as connected with said road in said State, be, and the same are hereby, transferred and surrendered to the said State of Indiana. Ar-novnn. August ll, 1848.