Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/361

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rss. 8, 9. 1848. 335 as a testimony of the high sense entertained by Congress of his judicious and distinguished conduct on that memorable occasion. Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to '1`M P¤=¤id¢¤¢ . . . . requested to eause the foregoing resolutions to be communicated to Major-General ,,,,,,6 thm ,6,, Taylor, in such terms as he may deem best calculated to give effect to 1u:i¤_¤¤t¤be¤¤m- the object therecli $:2;:}**,%.a fs, Approved, May 9, 1848. y ` [No. 8.] --Jain¢ Resolution in Rdationto the Transportation and Discharge of the Jung 16, l848_ Military Forces of the United States at the Close of the War with Mexico. *···—··‘ Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That on the restoration of _ On the ¤’¢==f¤!=¤· peace with Mexico, by a treaty of peace duly ratified and proclaimed, §d°;`x?;`g°°,_§? all the military forces of the United States, whether volunteers, regu- troops aime Usilars, or the marine corps, who by law, or the terms of their engagement, ttfé; €°‘°gf;‘ch°"‘: are to be discharged at the close of the war, shall, under the direction to be umswtrtgd of the President of the United States, be transported or marched, with E; ¤*é°l!tg;¤§<;*¤ the least practicable delay, to such posts or places in the United States asm:;, be ,8,;: as may be least expensive and most convenient to the troops — and at expensive and such places they shall he discharged from the service of the United 2°S;'c;°“"°“‘*"° States; and that until they shall respectively reach such places and be Unmdigdmged discharged, the officers and men shall be considered, paid, and treated officers and med as in the service of the United States, in the same manner as if the war zmbtgd K;";! QE: had not closed. ,,3,,,;,,,, O; the Ammovnn, I une 16, 1848. Umvd Sum- [No. 9.]-Joint Resolution providing for Payment of the Reymem of Tens June |6’]848_ Mounted Troop: called into the Service of the United States, under the Requisi- Y---·—· tiam nf Colonel Curtis, in the Year eighteen hundred and fo1-ty-seun, and for other Purpose:. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War Certain Texas be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to cause to be paid, out '·"}:Q: of any unexpended appropriations for the prosecution of the war wma {0,- Si; between the United States of America and the republic of Mexico, the ¤¤>¤*h¤ i¤ 184% regiment of Texas mounted troops which was mustered into the ser- §'Q,2,,€?;;$é$§g vice of the United States for six months, under the requisition of army, to receive Colonel Curtis, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-seven, and dis- {gigs;. “"" charged before joining the army, the pay and allowances of mounted men, mmm; men from the time the several companies thereof arrived at San Antonio, *"¢'°¤> ***9 *i¤¤° the place of rendezvous, until they were mustered out of service, and the usual pay and travelling allowances from the time they left their mustered out or homes until they reached San Antonio, and from the places where they gmx °’ d‘“' were mustered out of service until they reached their homes; and the ’ companies of Captains Smith and Hill, until they refused to be mustered out of service, or were disbanded by their respective captains; and also that he cause to be paid to the said regiment the full value of ro bepaid also all horses which he shall be satisfied were lost by them for want of {g;;°g:u::: forage, during the periods herein specified : Provided, That nothing in range the act approved second March, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, eu- Proviso. titled "An Act to amend an act to provide for the payment of horses 18% °"· 39· and other property lost and destroyed in the military service of the United States," approved eighteenth January, eighteen hundred and thirty- seven, shall be construed to revive the proviso to the second section of the act approved the fifteenth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-four, 1844, ¤h- 71 entitled "An Act making an appropriation for the payment of horses