Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/933

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TREATY WITH NEW GRANADA. Dec. 12, 1846. 881 TREATY WITH NEW GRANADA. A general Treaty of Peace, Amity, Tratadcjeneral de Paz, Amistad, Navigation, and Commerce be- Navegacion, i Cumercio entre tween the United States of la Repablica de la Nueva Gra- America and the Republic of nada i los Estados Unidos de New Granada. America. Tue United States of North LA republica de la Nueva Gra- Dec_;g,1g45_ America, and the republic of nada en la America delSur,i1os New Granada, in South America, Estados Unidos del Norte Ame- made gum, desiring to make lasting and firm rica, deseando hacer firmei dura- 184% the friendship and good under- dera la amistadi buena intelijen- P'°°mbl°' standing which happily exist be- cia que felizmente existen entre tween both nations, have resolved ambas naciones, han resuelto fijar to fix, in a manner clear, distinct, de. una manera clara, distinta, i and positive, the rules which shall positiva, las reglas que en I0 futuin future be religiously observed ro han de observarse relijiosamente between each other, by means of entre una i otra, por medio de un atreaty, or general convention of tratado 6 convencion jeneral de peace and friendship, commerce paz i nmistad, comercio i naveand navigation. gacion. For this desirable object, the Para este apetecible objeto el President of the United States of Presidente de la republica de la America has conferred full powers Nueva Granada ha conferido pleou Benjamin A. Bidlack, a citizen nos poderes a Manuel Maria Mal- N,,g°t;,m,.,,_ of the said States, and their charge larino, Secretario de Estado del d’affaires in Bogota; and the Pres- Despacho de Relaciones Esteriident of the republic of New ores, iel Presidente de los Estados Granada has conferred similar and Unidos de America ha conferido equal powers upon Manuel Maria semejantes e iguales poderes a Mallarino, Secretary of State and Benjamin A. Bidlack, ciudadano Foreign Relations; who, after dc dichos Estados i su Encargado having exchanged their said full deNegocios enBogota; los cuales, powers in due form, have agreed dcspues de haber canjeudo sus dito the following articles:- chos plenos poderes en debida forma, han convenido en los articulos siguientes : — Amicus I. Aivriouno I. There shall be a perfect, firm, Habra una paz perfecta, firme Them 5;,,,;;;,, and inviolable peace and sincere e inviolable, i amistad sincera en- ¤ P¢¤'l`€¢*»_ firm. friendship between the United tre la republica de la Nueva Gra- gggcc States of America and the repub- nada i los Estados Unidos de ship between the lic of New Granada, in all the America en toda la estension de “"°’°P“l’i‘°“· extent of their possessions and ter- sus posesiones i territorios, i entre ritories, and between their citizens sus ciudadanos respectivamente, respectively, without distinction of sin distincion de personas ni lupersons or places. gates. Anrrcnn II. Anrrcuno II. The United States of America La, republica de la Nueva Gra- No favvrstvbe and the republic of New Grana- nada i lo Estados Unidcs de gggwtggihgtggf da, desiring to live in peace and America, deseando vivir en paz i tions which shall