Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/934

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882 TREATY WITH NEW GRANADA. Dsc. 12, 1846. nctbeeome com- harmony with all the nations-of armonia con todas las nacicnes de ¤¤°¤l° the ¤¢h¤¤‘· the earth, by means of a policy la tierra por medic de una politic; frank and equally friendly with irnca e igualmente amistosa con all, engage mutually not to grant todas, se obligan mutuamente a no any particular favor to other na- otorgar favores particulares a otras tions, in respect of commerce and naciones con respecto a comercio navigation,. which shall not imme- i navegacion que no se hagan indiately become common to the mediatamente estensivosa la otra other party, who shall enjoy the parte, quien gozara. de los mismos same freely, if the concession was libremente, si la concesion fuere freely made, or on allowing the hecha libremente, (1 otorgando la same compensation, if the conces- misma compensacion, si la concesion was conditional. sion fuere condicional. Aasrrctn IH. Anrrcuno III. Mutual bene- The two high contracting par- Las dos altas partes contratanf;;i§;n;*;~d*;°¤*,£ ties, being likewise desirous of tes deseando tambien establecer el equally enjoyed_ placing the Icommerce and naviga· comercio 1 la navegacion de sus tion of their respective countries respectivos parses sobre la base on the liberal basis of perfect liberal de igualdad i reciprocidad equality and reciprocity, mutually perfectas, convienen mutuamente agree that the citizens of each en que los ciudadados de cada una may frequent all the coasts and de ellas puedan lrecuentar todas countries of the other, and reside las costas i territories de la otra, i and trade there, in all kinds of residir i tralicar en ellos con toda produce, manufactures, and mer- especie de producciones, manufacchandise; and that they shall en- turas, i mercaderias; i que gozajoy all the rights, privileges, and ran de todos los derechos, privileexemptions, in navigation and com- jios i exenciones, en navegacion i merce, which native citizens do or comercio, que los ciudadanos natushall enjoy, submitting themselves rales gozen o gozaren, sometien— to the laws, decrees, and usages dose a las leyes, decretos i usos there established, to which native establecidos alli, é que estan suje- Bxceptas to the citizens pre subjected. But it is tos los ciudaclanosnaturales. Pero ¤°¤¤*l¤S **¤d°- understood that this article does debe entenderse, que este articulo not include the coasting trade of no incluye el comercio de caboeither country, the regulation of taje de cada uno de los dos paises, which is reserved by the parties, cuyo arreglo se reservan las partes respectively, according to their respectivamente, conforme a sus own separate laws. leyes particulares. Arcrrctn IV. Anucm.0 IV. Equalization or They likewise agree that what- Igualmente convienen una i otra <l¤ii¤¤ 9¤ vessels ever kind of produce, manufac- en que cualquiera especie de proud "h°"°"g°°s' ture, or merchandise of any foreign ducciones, manufacturas 6 mercacountry can be, from time to time, derias estranjeras que puedan ser lawfully imported into the United en cualquier tiempo legalmente States in their own vessels, may importadas en la republica de la be also imported in vessels of the Nueva Granada en sus propios republic of New Granada; and buques,puedan ser tambien importhat no higher or other duties up- tadas en buques de los Estados on the tonnage of the vessel and Unidos; ique no se impondran 6 her cargo shall be levied and col- cobraréu otros 6 mas ultos derechos lected, whether the importation be sobre las toneladas del buque, 6 por made in vessels of the one country su cargamento, sea que la importaor of the other. And, in like cion se haga en buques del unou manner, that whatever kind of del otro pals: ide la misma ma-