Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/695

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

PUBLIC LAW 95-94—AUG. 5, 1977 Congress and officers and employees of the United States), stationery and printinp: for programs, registration forms and proceedings, luncheon meetings, reception, and refreshments. The Secretary of the Senate is authorized to establish a reasonable registration fee for participants at the conference and all receipts therefrom shall be deposited in the United States Treasury for credit to the appropriation for fiscal year 1978 for "Miscellaneous Items " under the heading "Contingent Expenses of the Senate" to offset the costs of the luncheon meetings, reception, and refreshments. SKC. 105. Effective October 1, 1976, the Secretary of the Senate and the Sergeant at A r m s and Doorkeeper of the Senate are authorized to expend from the contingent fund of the Senate such sums as may be necessary, not to exceed $1,000 during any fiscal year, to conduct orientation seminars for new Senators and members of their staffs and similar meetings. Such expenses shall be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate upon vouchers approved by the Secretary of the Senate or Sergeant at A r m s and Doorkeeper of the Senate. SEC. 106. Effective October 1. 1977, the first sentence of section 101 of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1976 (2 U.S.C. 61a-9a), is amended by striking out "$5,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "$5,500". SEC. 107. (a) Effective October 1, 1977, any of the following items shall be furnished to a Senator only if such Senator requests such item and pays or agrees to reimburse the cost thereof, as determined by the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate: (1) Shaving mugs. (2) Hairbrushes and combs. (3) S h i p p i n g trunks. This subsection shall not apply to any item furnished before the effective date and shall not affect the practices existing before such date with respect to any item so furnished. (b) Moneys received in payment or reimbursement for items enumerated in subsection (a) shall be deposited in the Treasury and shall be credited to the appropriation for "Miscellaneous Items " under "Continq-ent Expenses of the Senate". SEC. 108. (a) Section 202(i) of the Federal Legislative Salary Act of 1964 is amended by striking out the last sentence. (b) In computing the length of continuous service for purposes of determining the eligibility of an individual under section 106 of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1963, by reason of the amendment made by subsection (a), service performed prior to the date of the enactment of this Act may be credited, except that no increase in compensation by reason of such amendment shall take effect for any pay period beginning before October 1, 1977, and no monetary benefit by reason of such amendment shall accrue for any period before such date. SEC. 109. Effective January 3, 1977, the amounts paid to the Vice President, the Majority or Minority Leader of the Senate, or the Majority or Minority W h i p of the Senate as reimbursement of actual expenses incurred upon certification and documentation pursuant to the third proviso in the paragraph under the heading "EXPENSE ALLOWANCES or THE VICE PRESIDENT, MAJORITY AND MINORITY LEADERS AND MAJORITY AND MINORITY wiiips" in the appropriation for the Senate in the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1977. shall not be reported as income, and the expenses so reimbursed shall not be allowed as a deduction, under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

91 STAT. 661

Orientation seminars. Effective date. 2 USC 69a.

Effective date.

Effective date.

2 USC 61a-2. 2 USC 61a-2 not«. 2 USC 60j and note.

Effective date. 2 USC 31a-l.

Ante, p. 61. 26 USC 1 et seq.