Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/696

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 662 Ante, p. 82.

2 USC 61h-6.

Effective date. 2 USC 61h-6 note. 2 USC 61-1 note.

2 USC 72a-le.

PUBLIC LAW 95-94—AUG. 5, 1977 SEC. 110. (a) Section 101 of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1977, is amended— (1) by striking out "Majority Leader of the Senate and the Minority Leader of the Senate" in the first sentence and inserting in lieu thereof "Majority Leader, Minority Leader, and Secretary of the Senate"; and (2) by striking out "Majority Leader and the Minority L e a d e r " in the last sentence and inserting in lieu thereof "Majority Leader, Minority Leader, and Secretary of the Senate". (b) The amendments made by subsection (a) shall take effect on August 1, 1977. SEC. 111. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the aggregate of the gross compensation which may be paid to employees in the office of a Senator during each fiscal year under section 105(d) of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1968, as amended and modified (2 U.S.C. 61-1 (d)), IS increased by an amount equal to three times the amount referred to in section 105(e)(1) of such Act, as amended and modified. (b)(1) I n the case of a Senator who is the chairman or ranking minority member of any committee, or of any subcommittee that receives funding to employ staff assistance separately from the funding authority for staff of the full committee, the amount referred to in subsection (a) shall be reduced by the amount referred to in section 105(e)(1) of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1968, as amended and modified, for each such committee or subcommittee. (2) Li the case of a Senator who is authorized by a committee, a subcommittee thereof, or the chairman of a committee or subcommittee, as appropriate, to recommend or approve the appointment to the staff of such committee or subcommittee of one or more individuals for the purpose of assisting such Senator solely and directly in his duties as a member of such committee or subcommittee, the amount referred to in subsection (a) shall be reduced, for each such committee or subcommittee, by an amount equal to (A) the aggregate annual gross rates of compensation of all staff employees of that committee or subcommittee (i) whose appointment is made, approved, or recomn)ended and (ii) whose continued employment is not disapproved by such Senator, if such employees are employed for the purpose of assisting such Senator solely and directly in his duties as a member of such committee or subcommittee thereof as the case may be, or (B) the amount referred to in section 105(e)(1) of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1968, as amended and modified, whichever is less. (3) I n the case of a Senator who is serving on more than three committees, one of the committees on which he is serving, as selected by him, shall not be taken into account for purposes of paragraph s (1) and (2). Any such Senator shall notify the Secretary of the Senate of the committee selected by him under this paragraph. (c)(1) A Senator may designate employees in his office to assist him in connection with his membership on committees of the Senate. A n employee may be designated with respect to only one committee. (2) A n employee designated by a Senator under this subsection shall be certified by him to the chairman and ranking minority member of the committee with respect to which such designation is made. Such employee shall be accorded all privileges of a professional staff member (whether permanent or investigatory) of such committee including access to all committee sessions and files, except that any such committee may restrict access to its sessions to one staff member per Senator a t a time and require, if classified material is being