Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 91.djvu/868

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1977

91 STAT. 834

PUBLIC LAW 95-99—AUG. 15, 1977

Financial or other interest statements. 42 USC 1873a.

SEC. 10. (a)(1) Each officer or employee of the National Science Foundation who performs a decisionmaking function in the handling of any application or proposal for a grant from or contract with the Foundation shall provide a written statement for the record identifying (in accordance with the standards promulgated under subsection (b)) any financial interest or other relevant interest he or she has in the person submitting the application or proposal and any academic affiliation he or she has with that person. If the application or proposal results in an award, the statement shall be made available to the public. (2) The Director shall remove or take other appropriate disciplinary action against any employee who knowingly violates the requirements of this subsection. (b)(1) Within 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of the National Science Foundation shall publish— (A) proposed standards to implement the requirements of subsection (a), designed to minimize conflicts of interest and to assure that the appropriate files of the Foundation relating to any grant or contract referred to in such subsection contain a statement of any financial or other relevant interest which any of the officers and employees involved may have in the person or institution applj^ing for or proposing the grant or contract as well as any academic affiliation which any of such officers and employees

may have with such person or institution; and (B) proposed standards appropriately requiring identification of any conflicts of interest by peer reviewers. (2) Within 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director shall promulgate the standards published under paragraph (1), with such modifications as the Director may deem appropriate; and such standards shall take effect upon their promulgation. (c) The Director shall report annually to the Congress on the administration and enforcement of this section. (d) If the President issues an Executive order that requires financial disclosure by officers and employees of Federal agencies generally, only so much of this section as relates to peer reviewers and to academic affiliations of officers and employees shall remain effective. SEC. 11. Appropriations made pursuant to this Act shall remain available for obligation, for expenditure, or for obligation and expenditure, for such period or periods as may be specified in the Acts making such appropriations. SEC. 12. No funds may be transferred from any particular category listed in section 2 to any other category or categories listed in such section if the total of the funds so transferred from that particular category would exceed 10 per centum thereof, and no funds may be transferred to any particular category listed in section 2 from any other category or categories listed in such section if the total of the funds so transferred to that particular category would exceed 10 per centum thereof, unless— (1) a period of thirty legislative days has passed after the Director of the National Science Foundation or his designee has transmitted to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the President of the Senate and to the Committee on Science and Technology of the House of Representatives and to the Committee on Human Resources of the Senate a written report containing a full and complete statement concerning the nature of the transfer and the reason therefor, or

Availability to public. Penalty.

Standards, publication.

Report to Congress.

Funds, transfer, limitation.

Report to Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, and congressional committees.