Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/581

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-272—JUNE 17, 1980

94 STAT. 531

claim therefor is filed (in such form and manner as the Secretary shall by regulation prescribe) prior to January 1, 1981. (4) "Hie provisions of this subsection shall not be applied so as to deny payment with respect to any expenditure involving adjustments to prior year costs or court-ordered retroactive payments or audit exceptions. The Secretsuy may waive the requirements of paragraph (3) in the same manner as under section 1132(b) of the Social Security Act. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, there shall be no time limit for the filing or payment of such claims except as provided in this section, unless such other provision of law, in imposing such a time limitation, specifically exempts such filing or payment from the provisions of this section.

42 USC 1320b-2 note.


SEC. 307. (a) The heading of section 458 of the Social Security Act is amended by inserting "STATES AND" after "TO". (b) Section 458(a) of such Act is amended— (1) by inserting "or a State on its own behalf makes," after "another State,", and (2) by striking out "or such other State" and inserting in lieu thereof ", such other State, or such State (in the case of a State which on its own behalf makes such enforcement and collection)". (c) Section 458 of such Act is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(c) No payment under the preceding provisions of this section shall be made to any State or political subdivision thereof with respect to any amount collected and distributed by it unless such amount was collected and distributed in accordance with the State plan of the State approved by the Secretary as meeting the conditions required by section 454.".

42 USC 658.

42 USC 654.


SEC 308. (a) Section 1862(d) of the Social Security Act is amended 42 USC I395y. by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph: "(4) The Secretary shall promptly notify each State agency which administers or supervises the administration of a State plan approved under title XIX of any determination made under the 42 USC 1396. provisions of this subsection.". Qji) Section 1866(c) of such Act is amended by adding at the end 42 USC 1395CC. thereof the following new paragraph: "(3) Where an agreement filed under this title by a provider of services has been terminated by the Secretary, the Secretary shall promptly notify each State agency which administers or supervises the administration of a State plan approved under title XIX of such termination.". 42 USC 1396a. (c) Section 1902(a) of such Act is amended— (1) by striking out "and" at the end of paragraph (39); (2) by striking out the period at the end of paragraph (40) and inserting in lieu thereof; and"; and (3) by inserting after paragraph (40) the following new paragraph: