Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/1215

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-487—DEC. 2, 1980

94 STAT. 2493

"(4) Where the public lands consist only of the mineral estate, or portion thereof, which is reserved by the United States upon patent of the balance of the estate under one of the public land laws, other than this Act, the Regional Corporations may select as follows: "(A) Where such public lands were not withdrawn pursuant to subsection 11(a)(3), but are surrounded by or contiguous to lands withdrawn pursuant to said subsection and filed upon for selection by a Regional Corporation, the Corporation may, upon request, have such public land included in its selection and considered by the Secretary to be withdrawn and properly selected. "(B) Where such public lands were withdrawn pursuant to subsection 11(a)(1) and are required to be selected by paragraph (3) of this subsection, the Regional Corporation may, at its option, exclude such public lands from its selection. "(C) Where the Regional Corporation elects to obtain such public lands under subparagraph (A) or (B) of this paragraph, it may select, within ninety days of receipt of notice from the Secretary, the surface estate in an equal acreage from other public lands withdrawn by the Secretary for that purpose. Such selections shall be in units no smaller than a whole section, except where the remaining entitlement is less than six hundred and forty acres, or where an entire section is not available. Where possible, selections shall be of lands from which the subsurface estate was selected by that Regional Corporation pursuant to subsection 12(a)(1) or 14(h)(9) of this Act, and, where possible, all selections made under this section shall be contiguous to lands already selected by the Regional Corporation or a Village Corporation. The Secretary is authorized, as necessary, to withdraw up to two times the acreage entitlement of the in lieu surface estate from vacant, unappropriated, and unreserved public lands from which the Regional Corporation may select such in lieu surface estate except that the Secretary may withdraw public lands which had been previously withdrawn pursuant to subsection 17(d)(1). "(D) No mineral estate or in lieu surface estate shall be available for selection within the National Petroleum Reserve— Alaska or within Wildlife Refuges as the boundaries of those refuges exist on the date of enactment of this Act.".

43 USC 1610.

43 USC 1611, P^^^^' P 2494.

43 USC 1616.


SEC. 1404. (a) Section 14(c)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settle- 43 USC 1613. ment Act is amended by inserting "as of December 18, 1971 (except that occupancy of tracts located in the Pribilof Islands shall be determined as of the date of initial conveyance of such tracts to the appropriate Village Corporation)" after "title to the surface estate in the tract occupied". (b) Section 14(c)(2) of such Act is amended by inserting "as of December 18, 1971" after "title to the surface estate in any tract occupied". (c) Section 14(c)(4) of such Act is amended to read: "(4) the Village Corporation shall convey to the Federal Government, State, or to the appropriate Municipal Corporation, title to the surface estate for airport sites, airway beacons, and other navigation aids as such existed on December 18, 1971, together with such additional acreage and/or easements as are necessary to provide related governmental services and to insure