Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/1216

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 2494

PUBLIC LAW 96-487—DEC. 2, 1980 safe approaches to airport runways as such airport sites, runways, and other facilities existed as of December 18, 1971.". RECONVEYANCE TO MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS

43 USC 1613.

SEC. 1405. Section 14(c)(3) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act is amended by striking out the semicolon at the end and inserting in lieu thereof the following new language: "unless the Village Corporation and the Municipal Corporation or the State in trust can agree in writing on an amount which is less than one thousand two hundred and eighty acres: Provided further, That any net revenues derived from the sale of surface resources harvested or extracted from lands reconveyed pursuant to this subsection shall be paid to the Village Corporation by the Municipal Corporation or the State in trust: Provided, however. That the word "sale", as used in the preceding sentence, shall not include the utilization of surface resources for governmental purposes by the Municipal Corporation or the State in trust, nor shall it include the issuance of free use permits or other authorization for such purposes;". CONVEYANCE OF PARTIAL ESTATES

Cemetery sites and historical places.

Reserved miner-

43 USC 270-11.

43 USC 1611 note.

Subsurface and retained mineral estates.

43 USC 1611 note.

SEC. 1406. (a) Section 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)) is amended by replacing the existing paragraph with the following paragraph to read as follows: "(1) The Secretary may withdraw and convey to the appropriate Regional Corporation fee title to existing cemetery sites and historical places. Only title to the surface estate shall be conveyed for lands located in a Wildlife Refuge, when the cemetery or historical site is greater than 640 acres.'. (b) Sections 14(h)(2) and 14(h)(5) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1613 (h)(2) and (h)(5)) are amended by adding to the end of each section "unless the lands are located in a Wildlife Refuge". (c) Section 14(h)(6) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1616(h)(6)) is modified by adding at the end thereof the following sentence: "Any minerals reserved by the United States pursuant to the Act of March 8, 1922 (42 Stat. 415), as amended, in a Native Allotment approved pursuant to section 18 of this Act during the period December 18, 1971, through December 18, 1975, shall be conveyed to the appropriate Regional Corporation, unless such lands are located in a Wildlife Refuge or in the Lake Clark areas as provided in section 12 of the Act of January 2, 1976 (Public Law 94-204), as amended.". (d) Section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1613(h)) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraphs: "(9) Where the Regional Corporation is precluded from receiving the subsurface estate in lands selected and conveyed pursuant to paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (5), or the retained mineral estate, if any, pursuant to paragraph (6), it may select the subsurface estate in an equal acreage from other lands withdrawn for such selection by the Secretary, or, as to Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated, from those areas designated for in lieu selection in paragraph I.B.(2) of the document identified in section 12(b) of Public Law 94-204. Selections made under this paragraph shall be contiguous and in reasonably compact tracts except as separated by unavailable lands, and shall be in whole sections, except