Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/562

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 1840

Parcel A property, conveyance to Interior Dept.

Freehold or leasehold property interest, conveyance.

Cooperative agreements with property owners.

Property improvement and restoration, funds. Appropriate mementos, concession contract.

PUBLIC LAW 96-428—OCT. 10, 1980

(3) Property may be acquired pursuant to this section subject to such conditions and reservations as in the judgment of the Secretary are not inconsistent with the purposes of this Act and the administration of the national historic site, including, in the event that the burial site of Martin Luther King, Junior, is acquired, the condition that his widow may be interred therein. (4) Any and all legal or equitable title, interests, or encumbrances, if any, held by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the property designated "Parcel A" on the map referenced in section one are hereby conveyed to the Secretary to be administered in accordance with the purposes of this Act. (5) Structural space requirements of the National Park Service to meet its administrative, operational, and interpretive functions for the national historic site and preservation district shall, to the maximum extent feasible without displacing residents, be met within the district through the adaptive use of existing structures. SEC. 3. (a) Within the national historic site, the Secretary may convey a freehold or leasehold interest in any property, for such sums as he deems appropriate, and subject to such terms and conditions and reservations as will assure the use of the property in a manner which is, in the judgment of the Secretary, consistent with the purposes of this Act and the administration of the national historic site. The Secretary shall offer the last owner or tenant of record a reasonable opportunity to purchase or lease, as appropriate, the property proposed to be conveyed prior to any conveyance under this subsection, and in the case of a lease to such tenant of record, the initial rental charge shall not be substantially more than the last rent paid by the tenant for that property, with any future increases not to exceed the general escalation of rental rates in the surrounding area. (b) The Secretary may enter into cooperative agreements with the owners of properties of historical or cultural significance as determined by the Secretary, pursuant to which the Secretary may mark, interpret, improve, restore, and provide technical assistance with respect to the preservation and interpretation of such properties. Such agreements shall contain, but need not be limited to, provisions that the Secretary shall have the right of access at reasonable times to public portions of the property for interpretive and other purposes, and that no changes or alterations shall be made in the property except by mutual agreement. The authorities in this subsection shall also be available to the Secreta^ with respect to properties within the Martin Luther King, Junior, Preservation District. (c) The Secretary may, in carrying out his authorities with respect to the interpretation of properties within the national historic site and the preservation district, accept the services and assistance, with or without reimbursement therefor, of qualified persons and entities to the extent he deems necessary and appropriate. Funds appropriated for the purposes of this Act may be expended for the improvement, restoration, and maintenance of properties in which the Secretary has acquired a leasehold interest. (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall give first preference to the Martin Luther King, Junior, Center for Social Change with respect to any contract for a concession to sell books, postcards, tapes, or similar types of appropriate mementos related to the purposes of this Act, on facilities operated and maintained by the Secretary within the historic site: Provided, That agreement can be reached on terms and conditions acceptable to the Secretary.