Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/563

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-428—OCT. 10, 1980

94 STAT. 1841

(e) The Secretary is authorized to take only such actions within and upon the grounds of the Ebenezer Baptist Church as will directly support appropriate public visitation to and within the church in accordance with the purposes of this Act, or which will assist in the maintenance or preservation of those portions of said church which are directly related to the purposes of this Act. SEC. 4. (a) There is hereby established the Martin Luther King, Junior, National Historic Site Advisory Commission (hereinafter referred to in this section as the "Commission"). The Commission shall consist of thirteen members, eleven of whom shall be appointed by the Secretary as follows: (1) three members appointed for terms of three years from recommendations submitted by the governing body of the Martin Luther King, Junior, Center for Social Change; (2) two members appointed for terms of four years from recommendations submitted by the Governor of the State of Georgia, one of whom shall have professional expertise in historic preservation matters; (3) two members appointed for terms of five years from recommendations submitted by the mayor of the city of Atlanta, Georgia, one of whom shall represent the economic and cultural interests of the Sweet Auburn Historic District; (4) one member appointed for a term of five years from recommendations submitted by the governing body of the Ebenezer Baptist Church; (5) the Chairman of the Atlanta Urban Design Commission and one additional member from the Commission to be chosen by the Commission; and (6) one member, appointed for a term of five years by the Secretary, who shall chair the Commission. In addition to the foregoing members, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, or such other appropriate family member as may be designated by the immediate family of Martin Luther King, Junior, and the Director of the National Park Service shall be ex officio members of the Commission. (b) Any vacancy in the membership of the Commission shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation as such, but the Secretary may pay expenses of Commission members reasonably incurred by them in carrying out their responsibilities under this section upon presentation of vouchers signed by the chair of the Commission. Necessary administrative services and expenses shall be provided to the Commission by the Department of the Interior. (c) The function of the Commission shall be to: (1) advise the Secretary with respect to the formulation and execution of plans for and the overall administration of the national historic site and the preservation district, including advice with respect to the consummation of cooperative agreements, and interpretation of properties, and the use and appreciation of the national historic site and the preservation district by the public; (2) prepare a generalized impact area plan for a one-mile radius outside the District which shall examine overall community development goals, plans, and efforts within that area, including historic preservation, transportation, parking, housing, urban revitalization, and parks and recreation functions, in

Ebenezer Baptist Church, maintenance and preservation.

Martin Luther King, Junior, National Historic Site Advisory Commission. Establishment. Membership, terms.


Administrative services and expenses. Function.

Generalized impact area plan.