Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 2.djvu/1220

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 2380

PUBLIC LAW 98-511—OCT. 19, 1984 "(1) an assessment of the needs of the Indian children with respect to the purposes of this title in schools operated or funded by the Department of the Interior, including those tribes and local educational agencies receiving assistance under the Johnson-O'Malley Act (25 U.S.C. 452 et seq.); and "(2) an assessment of the extent to which such needs are being met by funds provided to such schools for educational purposes through the Secretary of the Interior. "PART B—DATA COLLECTION, EVALUATION, AND RESEARCH USE OF F U N D S

20 USC 3241.

"SEC. 731. Funds available under this part shall be used for (1) collecting data on the number of limited English proficient persons and the educational services available to such persons, (2) evaluating the operation and effectiveness of programs assisted under this title, (3) conducting research to improve the effectiveness of bilingual education programs, and (4) collecting, analyzing, and disseminating data and information on bilingual education. "GRANTS FOR STATE PROGRAMS

20 USC 3242.

"SEC. 732. (a) Upon an application from a State educational agency, the Secretary shall make provision for the submission and approval of a State program for the collection, aggregation, analysis, and publication of data and information on the State's population of limited English proficient persons and the educational services provided or available to such persons. Report. "(b) State programs under this part shall provide for the annual Regulations. submission of a report to the Secretary containing data and information on such matters as the Secretary shall, by regulation, determine necessary and proper to achieve the purposes of this title. Ante, p. 2374. including the matters specified in section 721(c)(2). Such reports shall be in such form and shall be submitted on such date as the Public Secretary shall specify by regulation. State programs shall provide information. for the dissemination of information regarding these matters to the public, and particularly to persons of limited English proficiency. "(c) State programs authorized under this section may also provide for— "(1) the planning and development of educational programs such as those assisted under this title; "(2) the review and evaluation of programs of bilingual education, including bilingual education programs that are not funded under this title; "(3) the provision, coordination, or supervision of technical and other forms of nonfinancial assistance to local educational agencies, community organizations, and private elementary and secondary schools that serve limited English proficient persons; "(4) the development and administration of instruments and procedures for the assessment of the educational needs and competencies of persons of limited English proficiency; "(5) the training of State and local educational agency staff to carry out the purposes of this title; and "(6) other activities and services designed to build the capacity of State and local educational agencies to serve the educational needs of persons of limited English proficiency.