Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/347

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985


PUBLIC LAW 99-198—DEC. 23, 1985

99 STAT. 1457

condition of eligibility for loans, purchases, and pa3mients on any ,,,, commodity under the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1421 et seq.), that the acreage normally planted to crops designated by the Secretary, adjusted as considered necessary by the Secretary to be fair and equitable among producers, shall be reduced by a quantity equal to— "(1) the acreage that the Secretary determines would normally be planted to wheat on a farm; minus "(2) the individual farm program acreage for the farm under section 107D(d)(3)(A) of such Act.". Ante, p. 1383. SPECIAL GRAZING AND HAY PROGRAM

SEC. 1015. (a) Section 109 of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1445d) is amended by striking out "1985" in the first sentence of subsection (a) and inserting in lieu thereof "1990". ADVANCE ANNOUNCEMENT OF PROGRAMS

SEC. 1016. Section 406 of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1426) is amended by (1) inserting "(a)" after the section designation; and (2) adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(b)(l) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture may offer an option to producers of the 1987 through 1991 crops of wheat, feed grains, upland cotton and rice with respect to participation in commodity price support, production adjustment, and payment programs as provided in this subsection. '^'(2) With respect to the 1987 through 1991 crops of wheat, feed grains, upland cotton, and rice, in any county in the United States, if the Secretary has not made final announcement of the terms of the commodity price support production adjustment, and payment program for wheat, feed grains, upland cotton, or rice on or before the later of— "(A) 60 days prior to the normal planting date of such ^ commodity in such county, as determined by the Secretary; or J "(BXl) in the case of wheat, June 1 of the calendar year prior r, to the crop year for which such program is announced; "(ii) in the case of feed grains, ^ptember 30 of the calendar year prior to the crop year for which such program is announced; "(iii) in the case of upland cotton, November 1 of the calendar year prior to the crop year for which such program is announced; and "(iv) in the case of rice, January 31 of the calendar year that is the same as the crop year for which such program is announced, than the Secretary may permit producers of any such commodity in such county to elect to receive price support, payments, or other program benefits as provided in (I) the program announced for such commodity for the current crop year or (II) paragraph (3). "(3)(A)(i) The Secretary may permit producer eligible to make the election provided by this subsection to participate in the program described in this paragraph or, at the discretion of the Secretary, the program announced for the commodity for the current crop year, by compl3ring with the terms of the program announced for the preceding crop of the commodity.

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