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Unity of Good.

acter of matter, the antipode of Spirit, include all that denies and defies Spirit, in quantity or quality.

This subject can be enlarged. It can be shown, in detail, that evil does not obtain in Spirit, God; and that God, or Good, is Spirit alone ; whereas, evil does, according to belief, obtain in matter; and that evil is a false, claim, — false to God, false to Truth and Life. Hence the claim of matter usurps the prerogative of God, saying: “I am a creator. God made me, and I make man and the material universe.”

Spirit is the only Creator, and man and the universe are His spiritual concepts. By matter is commonly meant mind, — not the highest Mind, but a false form of mind. This so-called mind and matter can not be separated in origin and action.

What is this mind? It is not the Mind of Spirit; for spiritualization of thought destroys all sense of matter as Substance, Life, or Intelligence, and enthrones God in the eternal qualities of His Being.

This lower, misnamed mind is a false claim, a suppositional mind, which I prefer to call mortal mind. True Mind is immortal. This mortal