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There is no Matter.

mind declares itself material, in sin, sickness, and death, virtually saying: “I am the opposite of Spirit, of Holiness, Harmony, and Life.”

To this declaration Christian Science responds, in the words of our Master: “You were a murderer from the beginning. The Truth abode not in you. You are a liar, and the father of it.” Here it appears that a liar was in the neuter gender, — neither masculine nor feminine. Hence it was not man (the image of God) who lied, but the false claim to personality, which I call mortal mind; a claim which Christian Science uncovers, in order to demonstrate the falsity of the claim.

There are lesser arguments which prove matter to be identical with mortal mind, and this mind a lie.

The physical senses (matter really having no sense) give the only pretended testimony there can be as to the existence of a substance called matter. Now these senses, being material, can only testify from their own evidence, and concerning themselves; yet we have it on divine authority: “If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.” (John v. 31.)

In other words: matter testifies of itself, “I am matter;” but unless matter is mind, it can not talk or