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Abbott, Dr. Lyman, 230.

Aberdeen, Lady, 285.

Abolitionists, English, 284.

Academy of Music, Richmond, address in, 319.

Adams, Lewis, 120, 121.

Africa, Negroes missionaries to, 16; Negro cannot improve condition by emigrating to, 285; students from, at Tuskegee Institute, 313.

Age-Herald, the Birmingham, correspondence with editor of, 256.

Agricultural Building at Tuskegee, the Slater-Armstrong, 302.

Agriculture in Holland, 278.

Alabama Hall, 177-178.

“Aliens,” effect of, on Southerners, 234-235.

Amanda, Washington’s sister, 5, 71.

Ancestors, of Washington, 2; disadvantage of having, 35, 39-40; advantage of having, 36-37.

Andrew, Governor, 251.

Anecdotes, object of repeating, in public speaking, 243.

Anthony, Susan B., 285.

Antwerp, Belgium, Washington in, 277.

Armstrong, General Samuel C., 54-57, 94, 97, 106; benefit to Washington of contact with, 73; helps Tuskegee Institute financially, 146; visits Tuskegee, 55, 163, 293-294; death of, 295.

Atkinson, Governor G. W., 290, 291.

Atlanta, Ga., Washington addresses Christian Workers at, 204-205; address at opening of International Exposition at, 206, 210-225.

Atlanta Exposition, the, 206; Hampton and Tuskegee represented at, 209; Washington’s address, 210-225; President Cleveland at, 227—228; Washington appointed judge of, 233.

Attucks, Crispus, 254.

Audience, the best, 245; Washington’s largest, 253-254; the English, 287.

Auditorium, Chicago, Jubilee addresses in the, 253-255.

Authority, respect for, among Negroes, 168-169.

Baldwin, William H., 216.

Ballot, justice to Negro concerning his, 235-237. See Franchise.

“Banking and discount” favourite study among Negroes, 122.

Barrows, Dr. John H., 254.

Baths, at Hampton, 58; Negroes in Malden taught use of, 75; at Tuskegee, 175.

Battle at Malden between Negroes and whites, 78.

Bed-clothes, lack of, at Tuskegee, 167-168.

Bedford, Rev. Robert C., 157-158, 161.