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Begging, science of, 180-181; Washington avoids, 182.

Belgium, trip through, 278.

Bell, Alexander Graham, 297.

Benefits of slavery, 16-17.

Bible, use and value of the, 67.

Bible Training School at Tuskegee, 260, 312.

Bicknell, Hon. Thomas W., 199.

“Big house,” the, 9.

Biography, Washington’s fondness for, 263.

Birmingham, England, Washington visits, 284.

Black Belt of the South, 299, 301; defined, 108.

Blind, Royal College for the. Commencement exercises of the, 2S5.

“Blue-back” spelling-book, the, 27, 31.

Boarding department begun at Tuskegee, 159-161; growth of, 177.

Boggs, E. L., 290.

Book, Washington’s first, 27.

Boston, money-raising experiences in, 184-185; dedication of Shaw Memorial in, 249-253; meeting in Hollis Street Theatre in, 270; first meeting of National Negro Business League in, 316.

Boyhood days, Washington’s, 23-42.

Brickmaking at Tuskegee, 150-153.

Bright, John, 284.

Bristol, England, Washington speaks in, 284-285.

Bruce, Senator B. K., 86, 89.

Bruce, Mrs. B. K., 259.

Brussels, Washington visits, 278.

Bryce, James, 283.

Buffalo, N.Y., address before National Educational Association in, 317.

Bullock, Governor, of Georgia, 86, 217, 241.

Business League, National Negro, 316.

Business men make best audiences, 245.

“Call to preach,” prevalence of, among coloured people, 82; one old Negro’s, 128.

Campbell, George W., 120, 146.

Canal-boat trip through Holland, 278.

Cards, Washington not fond of, 266.

Carnegie, Andrew, 190-192.

Carney, Sergeant William H., 252, 253.

Carpetbaggers, 86.

“Cat-hole,” the, 3.

“Cavalier among Roundheads, a,” 240.

Chapel, donation for, at Tuskegee, 190; President McKinley speaks in, 307-308.

Charleston, W. Va., capital moved to, 92; reception to Washington in, 289-291.

Chattanooga, address at, 248.

Cheating white man, the, 166, 237.

Chicago, University of, addresses at, 253-255.

Choate, Hon. Joseph H., 283, 284.

Christian Endeavour societies, help of, in Tuskegee work, 193; addresses before, 247.

Christian Endeavour Society at Tuskegee, 198.

Christian Union, letter from Washington in the, 230.

Christian Workers, Washington addresses meeting of, at Atlanta, 204-205.

Christmas, first, at Tuskegee, 133.

Churches burned by Ku Klux Klan, 78.

Civil War, the, 8, 10.