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first hears of, 42; resolves to attend, 43; journey to, 46-50; a student at, 53-74; John and James Washington attend, 76-77; character-building result of training at, 87-S8 ; Washington revisits, 94-95 ; Washington returns as a teacher, 97; represented at Atlanta Exposition, 209; under Dr. Frissell, 295.

Hare, Charles W., 304.

Harlan, Justice, 279.

Harper, President William R., 253.

Harrison, Benjamin, 279.

Harvard, Washington’s honorary degree from, 250, 295-302.

Hat, Washington’s first, 33.

Hemenway, Mrs. Mary, 125.

Herford, Dr. Brooke, 283.

Higginson, Henry L., 272.

Hirsch, Rabbi Emil G., 254.

Hodnett, Father Thomas P., 254.

Holland, Washington’s trip through, 277-278.

Hollis Street Theatre, Boston, meeting in, 270.

Holstein cattle in Holland, 278.

“Honour roll” at Hampton, 73.

Hotel, Washington refused admittance to, 47; no trouble at, in Northampton, Mass., 157.

“House father,” Washington as, to Indians at Hampton, 97-98.

House of Commons, visit to the, 285.

Howell, Albert, Jr., 217.

Howell, Clark, 225-226, 239.

Huntington, Collis P., 188-189.

Indians at Hampton, 97-99.

Industrial departments at Tuskegee Institute, 311.

Industrial education, value of, 126-127, 154-156; growth of belief in worth of, 166; importance of, impressed on Negroes in addresses, 206; advantages of, dwelt on in Atlanta Exposition address, 218-220; at present time at Tuskegee, 312. See Labour.

International Congress of Women in London, 285.

International Exposition. See Atlanta Exposition.

Intoxication, prevalence of, at Christmas time, 133-134.

Ireland, Archbishop, 279.

Iroquois Hotel, Buffalo, public levee in, 317.

Jackson, Andrew, 254.

Jamaica, students from, at Tuskegee, 313.

Janitor, Washington installed as, at Hampton, 53.

Jesup, Morris K., 194-195, 247.

John E. Slater Fund, the, 194, 195, 247.

Jubilee exercises in Atlanta, 303, 304.

Jubilee week in Chicago, 253-256.

Kilns, difficulty in making, 151-152.

Ku Klux Klan, the, 77-79.

Labour, in ante-bellum days badge of degradation in South, 17; dignity of, 72-74, 148; coloured minister claims that God has cursed all, 135; new students at Tuskegee object to manual, 155-156; means of avoiding troubles suggested, 172. See Industrial Education.

La Follette, L. M., 290.

Laidley, George S., 291.

Lawrence, Bishop William, 270, 298,

Lee, Colonel Henry, 251.

Letter, from Miss Mary F. Mackie, 72; from Alabama men to Gen-