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eral Armstrong, 106-107; to Andrew Carnegie, 191-192; from President Cleveland, 227; from Dr. D. C. Gilman, 233; from Baker T. Washington, 269; from citizens of Charleston, W. Va., 289, 290; from President Eliot, 295-296; from John Addison Porter, 310.

Library, Washington’s first, 45; first, at Tuskegee, 190; funds for new, supplied by Andrew Carnegie, 191-192; on the St. Louis, 288.

Lieutenant-governor, a coloured, 85.

Lincoln, Abraham, Washington’s mother prays for, 7; mentioned, 8, 309; Washington’s patron saint in literature, 263.

Live stock, fine breeds at Hampton, 66; first, at Tuskegee, 139; Washington’s individual, 265; in Holland, 278.

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 299.

Logan, Warren, 158-159, 259.

London, Washington visits, 282-288.

Long, John D., 308-309.

Lord, Miss Nathalie, 67.

Louisiana State Constitutional Convention, letter on lynching to the, 318.

Lovejoy, Elijah P., 7.

Lumber supplied on strength of Washington’s word, 140.

Luxembourg Palace, American Negro’s painting in, 280.

Lynching, Washington writes open letter on, 318.

MacCorkle, ex-Governor W. A., 290, 291.

Mackie, Miss Mary E., 53, 54, 72, 163.

McKinley, President, 181; at the Auditorium meeting, Chicago, 254; Washington’s interviews with, 303-305; visits Tuskegee, 306-310.

Macon County, Ala., Tuskegee county-seat of, 121.

McWhorter, L. E., 291.

Madison, Wis., Washington begins public-speaking career at, 199, 242.

Mail-carrier as disseminator of news among slaves, 9.

Malden, W. Va., Washington’s relatives move to, 24-25; Washington revisits, 68; teaches school at, 75; Ku Klux Klan at, 77-78.

Mark Twain, 284.

“Mars’ Billy,” death of, 12-13.

Marshall, Edward, 275, 278.

Marshall, General J. B. F., 66, 129, 163.

Master of Arts, Washington made a, 298.

“Masters” in England, 286.

Mattress-making at Tuskegee, 1 73.

Meals, in slave quarters, 9; among Negroes in early days at Tuskegee, 112-115; trials in connection with, in boarding department, 160-161; schedule of, at present, at Tuskegee, 314.

Memorial Hall, Harvard, Washington’s speech in, 299-301.

Memphis, yellow-fever epidemic at, 124.

Middle passage, the, 2.

Miles, General Nelson A., 297, 299, 300.

Ministers, over-supply among Negroes, 82-83; improvement in character of Negro, 232.

Missionaries, Negroes as, 16.

Missionary organization, officer of a, discourages Washington’s efforts, 156-157.

“Mister,” calling a Negro, 247.

“Mistresses” in England, 286.