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Molasses, black, substitute for sugar, 10; from the “ big house,” 245-246.

Montgomery, Ala., Rev. Robert C. Bedford pastor in, 157.

Morgan, S. Griffitts, 59.

Morocco, anecdote of the citizen of, 103.

Moses, Washington termed a Negro, 238.

Mothers’ meeting in Tuskegee, 267, 315.

Murray, Miss Margaret J., 267-268.

Music Hall, Boston, address in, 250-253.

Music Hall, Buffalo, addresses in, 317.

Name, Washington chooses his own, 34.

Names, emancipated Negroes change, 23-24; of Tuskegee students, 123.

National Educational Association, speech at meeting of, in Madison, Wis., 199, 242; address before, in Buffalo, 317.

National Federation of Coloured Women’s Clubs, 268.

National Negro Business League, 316.

Negro Building at Atlanta Exposition, 208-209; President Cleveland visits, 227-228.

Negro Conference, first, 315.

Nelson, Bishop, of Georgia, 217.

New Orleans, reception to Washington in, 292.

Newspapers, quoted, 226, 238-241, 250-256, 300-302, 317; Washington’s delight in, 263.

New York, a rebuff in, 156-157; Mr. and Mrs. Washington sail from, 275.

Night-gown, lessons in use of, 176.

Night-school, started in Malden, 30; Washington attends, in Malden, 37; Washington opens, in Malden, 75; established at Plampton, 104-105; at Tuskegee, 196-197.

Nobility, respect for the, in England, 287.

North, the. Miss Davidson solicits funds in, 141; Washington and Miss Davidson again visit, 156-157; General Armstrong takes Washington to, with quartette, 178-180; later addresses in, 206. See Boston.

Northampton, Mass., Washington at, 157.

Novels, Washington forces himself to read, 263.

Odell, Hon. Benjamin B., Jr., 289.

Opera House, Charleston, W. Va., reception to Washington in the, 291.

Organ, Negro family own a sixty-dollar, 113.

Page, Thomas Nelson, 233.

Painting, American Negro’s, in Luxembourg Palace, 280.

Paris, Washington’s visit to, 278-282.

Parliament, Washington visits, 285.

“Patrollers,” the, 77-78.

Payne, Charles K., 291.

Peabody Fund, the, 194, 195.

Peace Conference, the, 278.

Penn, I. Garland, 209.

Phelps Hall Bible Training School, 260, 312.

Philanthropy, English, 287.

Pig, Washington’s favourite animal, 265.

Pinchback, Governor, 86.

“Pine-knot torchlight reception,” a, 294.