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INSECTS CYMATOPHORIDJE tThyatira derasa, Linn. t batis, Linn. Cymatophora or, Fabr. Well. Coll. (Wells) ; Finchamp- stead ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Boar's Hill (Pogson-Smith) t duplaris, Linn. fluctuosa, Hubn. Burgh- field (Bird) tAsphalia diluta, Fabr. t flavicornis, Linn. Well distributed in the birch plantations, and some- times plentiful ridens, Fabr. Rarely at all common. Sandhurst (Mochler-Ferryman) ; Whiteknights' Park, Read- ing ; Burghfield ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Bagley Wood NOCTILE BRYOPHILIDJE Bryophila perla, Fabr. BOMBYCOID.K tDemas coryli, Linn. General in woods. Common in the beech woods Acronycta tridens, Schiff. Fre- quent in lanes about Read- ing; Boar's Hill (A. Sidg- wick)

  • psi, Linn.

leporina, Linn. Not plenti- ful. Wokingham ; Bul- mtrshe Park, Reading ; Burghfield ; Padworth ; Aldermaston Park ; Cal- cot ; Newbury (Mrs. Chor- . ley) t aceris, Linn. t megacephala, Fabr. alni, Linn. Widely distri- buted. Bulmershe Park, Reading ; Padworth ; Al- dermaston Park ; Sulham ; Basildon ; Streatley ; New- bury (Mrs. Chorley) ligustri, Fabr. Not common. Maidenhead (A. H. Clarke) ; lanes about Reading ; Burghfield ; Mortimer (J. Clarke) ; Grazeley; Tilehurst; Brad- field (Young) ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley)

  • rumicis, Linn.
  • Diloba coeruleocephala, Linn.

LEUCANIID.SJ 'Leucania conigera, Fabr. LEUCANIID.S (continued) Leucania vitellina, Hubn. Hen- wood (A. Sidgwick) turca, Linn. Not common. Burghfield (Bird); Pad- worth ; Aldermaston Park ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley)

  • lithargyria, Esp.

impudens, Hubn. Local. Finchampstead ; Woking- ham ; Bulmershe Park, Reading ; Burghfield (Bird) ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) t comma, Linn.

  • impura, Hubn.
  • pallens, Linn.

Calamia phragmitidis, Hubn. Rare. Bulmershe Park, Reading ; Burghfield (Bird) Coenobia rufa, Haw. Local. Wokingham ; Bulmershe Park, Reading Tapinostola fulva, Hubn. Rather local. Bulmershe Park, and Battle Farm, Reading ; Burghfield (Bird) ; Aldermaston Park ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) Nonagria arundinis, Fabr. Common and general in marshy places among Typha geminipuncta, Hatch. Local. Coley lower Park, Reading; Kennet side, Burghfield lutosa, Hubn. At street lamps, Reading ; Burgh- field (Bird) APAMEIDJE tGortyna ochracea, Hubn. fHydroecia nictitans, Bork. petasitis, Dbl. Rare. Burgh- field; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley)

  • micacea, Esp.

tAxylia, putris, Linn. Xylophasia rurea, Fabr. Not very common. Kennet meadows, Reading; Burgh- field (Bird) ; Calcot (Robertson) ; Pangbourne ; Bradfield (Young) ; New- bury (Mrs. Chorley)

  • lithoxylea, Fabr.
  • sublustris, Esp. Common

in all the beech woods

  • monoglypha, Hufn.
  • hepatica, Linn.

scolopacina, Esp. Bulmershe Park (Poulton) ; Boar's Hill (A. Sidgwick)

  • Dipterygia scabriuscula, Linn.

tNeuria reticulata, Vill.

  • Neuronia popularis, Fabr.

103 APAMEIDJE (continued) Charsas graminis, Linn. Not generally common. Burgh- field (Bird) ; Aldermaston Park ; Tilehurst (Hen- derson) ; Streatley Downs ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; West Woodhay (Beales) ; Lambourn (Blair) tCerigo matura, Hufn. Gener- ally distributed. Common on the chalk hills "Luperina testacea, Hubn. t cespitis, Fabr. 'Mamestra sordida, Bork. Gen- erally distributed and common

  • brassicae, Linn.

' persicaria;, Linn.

  • Apamea basilinea, Fabr.

gemina, Hubn. Well dis- tributed but not gener- ally common. Plentiful on the chalk hills. unanimis, Tr. In marshy places about Reading, but not common. Boar's Hill (A. Sidgwick) ophiogramma, Esp. Thames side, Reading ; Burghfield, by G. W. Railway

  • didyma, Esp.
  • Miana strigilis, Clerck.

t fasciuncula, Haw. literosa, Haw. Scarce and local. Bulmershe Park, Reading ; Tilehurst

  • bicoloria, Vill.

arcuosa, Haw. Maidenhead (A H. Clarke). Common in the Thames and Kennet meadows, at the flowers of grasses. Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) CARADRINID.S

  • Grammesia trigrammica, Hufn.

Var. bilinea, Hubn. occasionally Stilbia anomala, Haw. Rare. Once at light, Reading; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley)

  • Caradrina morpheus, Hufn.

t alsines, Brahm. t taraxaci, Hubn. t quadripunctata, Fabr. tRusina tenebrosa, Hubn. Local but plentiful where it occurs. Maidenhead (A. H. Clarke) ; Wokingham ; Bulmershe Park, Reading; Burghfield ; Padworth ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) NOCTUID.S Agrotis vestigialis, Hufn. Hen- wood, plentiful in 1896 (A. Sidgwick)