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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE NOCTUID* (continued) Agrotis puta, Hubn. Rather uncommon. Lanes about Reading ; Englefield (Young) ; Boar's Hill (A. Sidgwick)

  • suffusa, Hubn.

t saucia, Hubn. Generally distributed, but only oc- casionally common

  • segetum, Schiff.
  • exclamationis, Linn.

corticea, Hubn. Not com- mon, but well distributed. Maidenhead (A. H. Clarke) ; Sandhurst (Moch- ler-Ferryman) ; Well. Coll. (Wells) ; Bulmershe Park, Reading ; Pangbourne ; Neivbury (Mrs. Chorlejr) cinerea, Hubn. Rare. Read- ing, at light occasionally ; Burghfield (Bird) ; N em- bury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Wytham (Walker) t nigricans, Linn. Rather local and rarely common t tritici, Linn. aquilina, Hubn. Local. Lanes about Reading ; Burghfield (Bird) ; Calcot (Robertson) ; Tilehurst ; Boar's Hill (A. Sidgwick) agathina, Dup. On heaths. Wokingham ; Bulmershe Park, Reading ; Burgh- field ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Boar's Hill t strigula, Thnb. Common on the heath land obscura, Brahm. Rare. Burghfield ; Englefield (Young) ; Boar's Hill (A. Sidgwick) Noctua glareosa, Esp. Scarce. Aldermaston Park ; Boar's Hill (A. Sidgwick) depuncta, Linn. Rare. Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; West Woodhay (Beales)

  • augur, Fabr.
  • plecta, Linn.
  • c-nigrum, Linn.

ditrapezium, Bork. Rare. Calcot (Robertson) ; New- bury (Mrs. Chorley)

  • triangulum, Hufn.

t stigmatica, Hubn. t brunnea, Fabr. t festiva, Hubn. dahlii, Hubn. Scarce. Al- dermaston Park; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley)

  • rubi, View,

t umbrosa, Hubn. t baia, Fabr. NOCTUID.S: (continued) Noctua castanea, Esp. Scarce. Wett. Coll. (Wells) ; Bul- mershe Park, Reading ; Burghfield (J. Clarke) ; Mortimer, in several vari- eties

  • xanthographa, Fabr.

tTriphaena janthina, Esp. t fimbria, Linn. t interjecta, Hubn. orbona, Hufn. Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Boar's Hill (A. Sidgwick)

  • comes, Hubn.
  • pronuba, Linn.


  • Amphipyra pyramidea, Linn.
  • tragopogonis, Linn.

'Mania typica, Linn. t maura, Linn. ORTHOSIIDJE Panolis piniperda, Panz. Toler- ably plentiful in fir woods everywhere Pachnobia leucographa, Hubn. Not infrequent near Mai- denhead (A. H. Clarke); Burghfield (Bird) t rubricosa, Fabr. Tasniocampa gothica, Linn. Var. gothicina, H.S. at Reading, once

  • incerta, Hufn.

opima, Hubn. Not common. Willow beds by the Ken- net (Mrs. Bazett) populeti, Fabr. Rather local, but sometimes com- mon among poplar. Wok- ingham ; Bulmershe Park, Reading ; Burghfield ; Cal- cot ; Tilehurst ; Bagley

  • stabilis, View.

t gracilis, Fabr. miniosa, Fabr. Not gener- ally common ; most fre- quent near large oak woods. Very plentiful in 1895. Wett. Coll. (Wells) ; Wokingham ; Bulmershe Park, Reading ; Morti- mer ; Aldermaston Park ; Tilehurst ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Bagley Wood t munda, Esp.

  • pulverulenta, Esp.

Orthosia suspecta, Hubn. Scarce usually. Waking ham ; Bulmershe Park, Reading ; Tilehurst

  • upsilon, Bork. Generally

distributed and common among willow

  • lota, Clerck.

104 ORTHOSIID^ (continued)

  • Orthosia macilenta, Hubn.

Anchocelis rufina, Linn. Gen- eral in oak woods. Plenti- ful at Bulmershe Park, Reading, and near Sulham oak wood

  • pistacina, Fabr.

t lunosa, Haw.

  • litura, Linn.
  • Cerastis vaccinii, Linn.

t spadicea, Hubn. erythrocephala, Fabr. Near Maidenhead, October 21, one specimen (A.H.Clarke) 'Scopelosoma satellitia, Linn. Dasycampa rubiginea, Fabr. Local and rare generally, though sometimes occur- ring in fair numbers at several places on the Bag- shot Sands ; Maidenhead (A. H. Clarke); Sand- hurst (Mochler- Ferryman); Well. Coll. ; Wokingham ; Bulmershe Park, Reading Oporina croceago, Fabr. Rare. Burghfield (Bird); Bag- ley Wood (A. Sidgwick) (Merry) tXanthia citrago, Linn. Very abundant among lime- trees everywhere

  • fulvago, Linn.

Var. flavescens,Esp. Occasionally

  • flavago, Fabr.

t aurago.Fabr. Often abundant and beautifully variable in the Reading district gilvago, Esp. Often com- mon among the elms in the Kennet and Thames valleys. Also frequent at the street lamps, Reading. circellaris, Hufn. Cirrhredia xerampelina, Hubn. Scarce. Reading at light ; Tilehurst ; Calcot (Robert- son) ; Englefield (Young) ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Boar's Hill (Pogson- Smith). COSMIIDJR Tethea subtusa, Fabr. Not common. Bulmershe Park, Reading ; Burghfield ; Sulhamstead ; Tilehurst ; Englefield (Young) ; Bag- ley Wood retusa, Linn. Not common. Burghfield ; Aldermaston Park ; Tilehurst ; Calcot ; Englefield (Young) ; New- bury (Mrs. Chorley)