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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE fo. s6b (de) 2 pence ; Doda I close (haga) worth (de) 2 pence ; Algar I (close) worth (de) 2 pence ; Smiths (fabri) (have) 5 closes (hagas) worth (de) 10 pence. The king has in /ELDREMANESTONE [Alder- maston *] 2 closes (hagas) worth (de) 5 pence ; the Count of Evreux 2 closes (hagas) worth (de) 2 pence and a halfpenny; Hugh Molebec 2 i close (hagam) worth (de) 2 pence ; Roger de Laci I close (hagam) worth (de) 12 pence ; Robert de Olgi I close (hagam) worth (de) 6 pence ; the king has I close (haga) worth (de) 6 pence ; Bishop Osmund 7 closes (hagas) worth (de) 28 pence ; Robert de Olgi 2 closes (hagas) worth (de) IO pence ; Roger de Laci has 5 closes (hagas) worth (de) 2 1 pence ; Ralf Percehaie 3 7 closes (hagas) worth (de) 50 pence ; Rainbald the priest i close (hagam) worth (de) 4 pence ; St. Alban I close (hagam) singa* and it is in dis- pute (in calumnia) ; Bristist I close (hagam) worth (de) 2 pence ; Leveva I close (hagam) worth (de) 2 pence ; Godwin I close (hagam) worth (de) 2 pence ; Alwin I close (hagam) worth (de) 2 pence ; ^Elmer a priest and another Elmer a priest and Bruman and Edwi and Edmund and William son of Osmund and Leflet and Lambert a priest, Alwold and Godric have rent (gablum) from their houses and (the fines due for) blood- shedding (sanguinem), if there is bloodshed there (iAi), and if the man (accused) is received in them before claim is made by the king's reeve (si receptus fuerit homo intus antequam calumnietur a proposito regis) except on Saturday, when the market is held (propter mercatum), because then the king has the fine (forisfacturam). Also they have the fines (emendam) for adultery and theft in their houses. Other fines (forisfacturee) however are the king's. T.R.E. it was worth 30 pounds, and after- wards 40 pounds ; now (it is worth) 60 pounds, and yet it yields from the ferm (de firma) 80 pounds by tale. What belongs to Adbrei 5 (is worth) 7 shillings, and the land of Milo Moli 8 24 shillings ; what the abbot of Abingdon has 8 shillings ; what Roger de Laci has 7 shillings ; what Rainald has 4 shillings. 1 Now in Theale Hundred. ' For Bolebec. 3 Compare, for him, the Chronicle of Abingdon (Rolls Ser.) ii. 34 (J.H.R.).

  • To this I can give no meaning, unless it be

for slngukm ' separate ' (F.W.R.). e It is difficult to decide whether this is an ab- breviation of a personal or place name (F.W.R.). ' Moli ' interlined. The following (subscript?) thegns of Oxene- fordscire (Oxfordshire) had land in Walinge- ford [Wallingford] : Archbishop Lanfranc 7 4 houses belonging to (in) Niwetone [Newington] paying 6 shillings ; Bishop Remigius 8 i house belonging to (per- tinentem W) Dorkecestre [Dorchester] paying 12 pence. The abbot of St. Alban one house worth (de) 4 shillings. Abbot R [ 8 ] one house belonging to (HI) Awilme [Ewelme] paying 3 shillings. Earl Hugh 10 i house belonging to (in) Pir- tune [Pyrton] paying 3 shillings ; Walter Gifard u 3 houses belonging to (in) Caveresham [Caversham] paying 2 shillings ; Robert de Oilgi " 2 houses belonging to (in) Watelintune [Watlington] paying 2 shillings and belonging to (in) Perie [Waterperry] i house worth (de) 2 shillings. Ilbert de Laci, Roger son of Seifrid and Orgar have 3 houses worth (de) 4 shillings ; Hugh de Bolebec 13 3 houses belonging to (in) Crem [ ? Crowmarsh Giffbrd] paying 3 shillings. Hugh ' grando ' de Scoca I house worth (de) 12 pence. Drogo has, belonging to (in) Sireburne 14 [Shirburne], and belonging to (in) Westune [Weston] 3 houses worth (de) 4 shillings ; Robert Armenteres, 15 belonging to (in) Awilme [Ewelme] i house worth (de) 1 2 pence ; Wazo 18 I house belonging to (in) Awilme [Ewelme] paying 3 shillings. When geld was paid T.R.E. by BERCHE- SCIRE [Berkshire] as a whole (communiter per totam Berchesciram) a hide gave 3 pence and a half penny before the Feast of Nativity of the Lord and the same sum at Pentecost. If the king was sending out an army anywhere only ' Archbishop Lanfranc was tenant-in-chief in Newtone [Newington], Oxon. 8 Bishop Remigius of Lincoln was tenant-in- chief in Dorchecestre [Dorchester], Oxon. 8 No abbot can be identified as holding at Ewelme (J.H.R.). 10 Earl Hugh was tenant-in-chief in Pirtone [Pyrton], Oxon. 11 Walter Gifard was tenant-in-chief in Cavesham [Caversham], Oxon. la Robert de Olgi was tenant-in-chief in Wate- lintune [Watlington], Oxon. 13 Hugh de Bolebec held Crawmares [Crow- marsh Gifford] of Walter Gifard. He held there under Robert d'Ouilly (J.H.R.). " Robert " held under Gilbert de Gand, in Lawelme [Ewelme], Oxon., and " Robert, son of Ralf," a king's servant (minister) in the same Lawelme. 18 I have not succeeded in finding Wazo among the holders of land in Oxfordshire (F.W.R.). 326