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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS I knight (miles) went out from (each) 5 hides, and for his provision or pay 4 shillings for 2 months was given him from each hide (of the five). This money however was not sent to the king but given to the knights (militibus). If any one summoned on military service defaulted he forfeited all his land to the king (totam terrain suam erga regent forisfaciebat). If any had a substitute and the substitute defaulted the lord of the substitute was acquitted by payment of 50 shillings (quod si quis remanendi habcns alium pro se mittere promitteret et tamen qu't mittendus erat remaneret pro I. so? quietus erat). When a thegn or a knight (miles) of the king's demesne was dying he sent all his weapons to the king as ' relief,' and I horse with saddle and I without. If he possessed hounds or falcons these were offered to the king for his acceptance, if he wished to have them. If any slew one who was under the protection of the king's peace the slayer's person and his possessions were forfeit to the king (et corpus suum et omnem substantiam forisfaciebat erga regem). If any one broke into a town (effringe- bat civitatem) at night he paid 100 shillings to the king, not to the sheriff. If any were summoned to drive deer for the king's hunt- ing (ad stabilitionem venationis) and did not go he paid 50 shillings to the king. I. THE KING'S LAND King William holds WINDESORES [Wind- sor] in demesne. King Edward held it. There are 2O hides. There is land for [ ] . On the demesne is i plough ; arid (there are) 22 villeins and 2 bordars with 10 ploughs. There (is) i serf and a fishery worth (de) 6 shil- lings and 8 pence ; and 40 acres of meadow and woodland yielding (de) 50 swine for pan- nage dues (de pasnagio). Other woodland is placed in enclosure (missa est in defensa). There are, besides, 100 closes (bagee), less 5, in the vill. Of these 26 are exempt from rent-pay- ment (gab la). From the others come 30 shil- lings. Of the land of this manor Albert the clerk 1 holds i^ hides and the third part of a coppice (dena) ; Walter son of Other i hides and I virgate, and as much woodland as renders 5 swine as dues for pannage (unde exeunt v porci de pasnagio). Gilbert Maminot (holds) 3 virgates, William i hide, Alvric i hide, an- other Alvric half a hide, and the priest of the vill i hides, and 2 sergeants of the king's court half a hide, Eudo Dapifer 2 hides. T.R.E. it was worth 15 pounds; afterwards 7 pounds ; now 1 5 pounds. > See Introduction. IN TACEHAM" [THATCHAM] HUNDRET The king holds TACEHAM [Thatcham*] in demesne. King Edward held it. It was then assessed at 2 hides and never paid geld. There is land for 25 ploughs. There are 35 villeins and 12 bordars with 25 ploughs, and there (are) 12 closes (haga) yielding from the king's ferm (reddentes de firma) 55 shillings; and 2 mills worth 22 shillings and 6 pence ; and 147 acres of meadow, and woodland to render (de) 60 swine. The church of this manor 2 clerks hold with 3 hides which be- long thereto ; these pay geld with the county, and are worth 3 pounds. T.R.E. it was worth 2O pounds; now 30 pounds, and yet it pays 33 pounds. IN BENES [BEYNHURST] HUNDRET The king holds COCHEHAM [Cookham 3 ] in demesne. King Edward held it. It was then 20 hides but it never paid geld. There is land for 25 ploughs. There are 32 vil- leins and 21 cottars with 20 ploughs, and there are 4 serfs and 2 mills worth (de) 22 shillings and 6 pence, and 2 fisheries worth (de) 13 shillings and 4 pence and 50 acres of meadow. There is woodland to render (de) 100 swine and another moiety of it is in the forest of Windesores [Windsor]. From the new market which is there now (come) 20 shillings. The whole T.R.E. was worth 50 pounds ; afterwards 50 shillings ; now 36 pounds, yet it pays 45 pounds. Of these 20 hides, Reinbald the priest holds of the king i hides in almoin and the church of the manor itself with 8 cottars and i plough and 15 acres of meadow. It is worth 50 shillings. Two other clerks have half a hide of this, and (there are) 2 cottars with 2 ploughs and 8 acres of meadow. It is worth 5 shillings. The king holds WALTHAM [Waltham St. Lawrence *] in demesne. Queen Eddid held it. (It was) then (assessed at) 8 hides ; now (it is assessed) at nothing. There is land for 1 6 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ; and (there are) 32 villeins and 4 cottars with 15 ploughs. There are 4 serfs, and woodland to render (de) 150 swine. T.R.E. and afterwards it was worth 12 pounds, now (it is worth) 10 pounds and yet it pays 15 pounds weighed money (ad pemam). IN BLITBERIE [BLEWBURY] HUNDRET The king holds BLITBERIE [Blewbury s ] in 1 Now in the Hundred of Reading. ' Now in the Hundred of Cookham.

  • Now in the Hundred of Wargrave.

o Now in the Hundred of Moreton. 327