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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE holds I hide. King Edward held it. There is land for 3 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, with 6 bordars and 3 acres of mea- dow. It is and was worth 40 shillings. The King holds LEDENCUMBE [Letcombe Regis 1 ] in demesne. King Edward held it. There are three hides. There is land for 16 ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ploughs ; and (there are) I villein and 30 bordars and 1 8 boors (burs) and 2 serfs with 13 ploughs. There are 5 mills worth (de) 4 pounds and 225 acres of meadow. The church of this manor is held by the Abbey of Ambresberie [Ames- bury] with i virgate. The whole, T.R.E. and afterwards, as now, was worth 55 pounds ; yet it pays 60 pounds. IN HILLESLAU [ ] HUNDRET The King holds SPERSOLT [Sparsholt 2 ] in demesne. King Edward held it. There are 10 hides. There is land for 13 ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ploughs; and (there are) 25 villeins and 3 bordars with i o ploughs. There are 3 serfs and 200 acres of meadow. T.R.E. it was worth 1 5 pounds and afterwards 1 8 ; now (it is worth) 20 pounds ; yet it pays 26 pounds. Of this manor Henry de Fereres holds I virgate of land and 1 2 acres of meadow and I dairy (vacariam) yielding (de) 6 weys of cheeses. These virgates (quee) according to the testi- mony of the shire(moot) remained in the king's ferm when Godric lost the sheriffdom. IN SERIVEHAM [SHRIVENHAM] HUNDRET The King holds SERIVEHAM [Shrivenham 3 ] in demesne. King Edward held it. There are 46 hides. There is land for 33 ploughs. On the demesne are 4 ploughs ; and (there are) 80 villeins and 17 bordars with 30 ploughs. There is a church with 5 hides of the same land, and belonging thereto (ibi) are I plough and 4 villeins and 5 bordars with 2 ploughs. In the manor are 2 mills worth (tie) 20 shil- lings and 240 acres of meadow, and wood- land to render (de) 2O swine. T.R.E. it was worth 35 pounds and afterwards 20 pounds ; now 45 pounds. What the priest has (is worth) 4 pounds. IN WIFOL [ ] HUNDRET The King holds FERENDONE [Great and Little Faringdon a ] in demesne. Harold held 1 Now in the Hundred of Kintbury Eagle. 1 Now in the Hundred of Faringdon. 3 Now in the Hundred of Shrivenham. it. It was then assessed at 30 hides ; it now pays no geld. There is land for 1 5 ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ploughs ; and (there are) 17 villeins and 10 bordars with 10 ploughs. There are 10 serfs and a mill with a fishery worth (de) 35 shillings ; and (there are) 9 closes (hagee) in the same vill worth (de) 40 shillings and 130 acres of meadow, and woodland to provide fencing (ad clausuram). Of this manor Bishop Osmund has i hide with the church ; Alsi has 4 hides, and on (his) demesne are 2 ploughs and 2 bordars and 6 serfs. The whole T.R.E. was worth 16 pounds, and afterwards 12 pounds ; now 21 pounds 6 shillings and 8 pence. What be- longs to the church or priest (is worth) 40 shillings ; what Alsi has, 30 shillings. The king holds COCHESWELLE [Great Cox- well *] in demesne. Harold held it. It was then assessed at 20 hides ; it now pays no geld. There is land for 8 ploughs. On the de- mesne are 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 9 villeins and 4 bordars with 3 ploughs ; also 7 serfs and 80 acres of meadow less 3. A church is there with half a hide. T.R.E. it was worth 8 pounds ; afterwards 6 ; now 10 pounds. The king holds in demesne another COCHES- WELLE [Little Coxwell *]. Harold held it. It was then assessed at i o hides ; it now pays no geld. There is land for 9 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ; and (there are) 1 1 villeins and 6 bordars with 6 ploughs ; also 2OO acres of meadow and woodland to provide fencing (ad clausuram). T.R.E. it was worth 1 6 pounds ; afterwards 12 ; now 14. IN SUDTONE [SUTTON] HUNDRET The king holds SUDTONE [Sutton Courte- nay 5 ] 8 in demesne. It was assessed T.R.E. at 23 hides and I virgate ; it is now assessed at nothing. There is land for 2O ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ploughs ; and (there are) 48 villeins and 2 1 bordars with 1 7 ploughs. There are 2 serfs and 3 mills worth (de) 5 shil- lings and 300 acres of meadow and woodland to render (de) 40 swine. In Walingeford [Wallingford] is I close (haga) worth (de) 1 8 pence but it is waste. T.R.E. it was worth 30 potinds and afterwards 2O pounds ; now 50 Now in the Hundred of Faringdon.

  • Now in the Hundred of Ock.

In Testa de Nevill (p. 125) we have John de Curtenay holding the manor of Sutton by gift of predecessors of the king, as freely as they them- selves held it (F.W.R.). 332