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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS pounds, yet it pays 60 pounds from the ferm, by tale (ad numerum). Henry de Fereires holds in this manor, in (de) the king's demesne I2O acres of land and 3 acres of meadow for the reason that Godric his predecessor (antecessor suus) ploughed the land, when he was sheriff, with his own ploughs. But as the Hundred (court) attests it belongs of right to the king's establishment (curia], and (enini) Godric took possession of it unjustly. 'The king holds HENRET [East Hen- 1 Two problems are offered by this entry : first as to the hundreds, except for the entry of Stive- tune below, which may easily have been in Sudtone Hundred, I should feel sure that the entry of the Hundred had been omitted. Both Hendreds ap- pear in the combined Hundreds of Waneting [Wantage] and Gamenefeld [Gamenesfeld] in Testa de Nevlll and in Feudal Aids, 1316. In 1428 (Feudal Aids) ' Henrethe ' appears in the combined Hundreds of Ock and Sutton ; but they were both in Wantage up to 1831,31 least. All the other hold- ings in ' Henret ' in the text, including that of the Count of Evreux, which was in East Hendred (see note p. 345), are placed in the Hundred of ' Wanetinz.' The identification of the differenthold- ings in Henret, and their distribution into East and West Henret, form a second problem, an approach to the solution of which may be gained as follows : In Testa de Nevlll (p. 125) the Prior of Walling- ford holds of West Hendred, once owned by St. Alban, and the king's bailiff lets , once held by Rich, de Hanreth. In the text (p. 343) St. Alban's land is i o hides, reduced to 4. Originally, therefore, West Hendred was assessed at | of this, i.e., at 15 hides. The remaining holdings in Henret in the text are : The King . Hen. de Ferrars Ct. of Evreux Grimbald . Cola . -iEldeva Total . To these add St. Alban's . H. H.

(reduced to . o) 

i . 10 (reduced to . 7) . 5 (reduced to i) . 7 (reduced to . i J) i 2 8 hides as originally assessed. . 10 38 J hides as originally assessed. But Testa de Nevill (p. 125) gives in 'East Hanreth ' i hide, as belonging to the Bishop of Salisbury. Referring back to the text, we find in 'Waneting' Hundret a holding, with place un- named, of i hides, belonging to the Bishop of Salisbury (p. 335). If we add this to the total above we get 40 hides as the original assessment of Hendred, East and West. Taking then the dred 2 ] in demesne. King Edward held it. It was then assessed at 4^ hides ; now (it is assessed) at nothing. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 8 villeins and 13 bordars with 2 ploughs and 2 serfs there and a mill worth (de) 42 shillings and 4 acres of meadow. T.R.E. it was worth 10 pounds ; and afterwards 8 pounds. Now (it is worth) 1 5 ; yet it pays 20 pounds. Henry (de Ferrers) holds there I hide which was in the king's ferm. Godric held it. Alvric of Taceham [Thatcham] states that he has seen the king's writ which made it over as a gift to Godric's wife because she was supporting the king's hounds. But there is no one in the Hundred (court) besides Alvric who has seen the writ. The king holds STIVETUNE [Steventon 3 ] in demesne. Harold held it. It was then as- sessed at 2O hides ; now (it is assessed) at nothing. There is land for 20 ploughs. On the demesne are 4 ploughs ; and (there are) 38 villeins and 28 bordars with 10 ploughs. There are 2 serfs and 3 mills worth (de) 45 shillings and 268 acres of meadow. There is a church in the manor. T.R.E. it was worth 25 pounds ; and afterwards 20 ; now 32, yet it pays 40 pounds. holdings given in Testa de Nevill, and working on the above data, we have WEST HENDRED H. H. Wallingford Priory . 10 answering to St. (Testa de Nevill, p. 125) Alban's . 10 King's bailiff . . 5 possibly to Grim- (Testa, p. 125) bald's. . 5 EAST Priory of Noyon . (Testa, p. 125) Priory of Frampton (Testa, p. 125) Prioress of Littlemore (Testa, p. 125) Bishop of Salisbury (Testa, p. 125) HENDRED . 10 answering to Ct. of Evreux's (unreduced) 10 7 answering per- haps to Cola's 7 I answering per- haps to ^Eldeva's I i answering to Bp. of Salisbury's I j HENDRED Ct. of Ferrars . . i answering to Hen. (Testa, p. 121) de Ferrer's i The king's demesne is alone needed to make up the 40 hides ; but if it was still demesne it would only be found in either Testa de Nevill, or in Feudal Aids exceptionally. Since we can thus dispose of the holdings in West Hendred with probability, it will follow that the king's demesne, in which the land of Henry de Ferrers lay, was in East Hendred (F.W.R.). 1 Now in the Hundred of Wantage. 3 Now in the Hundred of Ock. 333