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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS IN ROEBERG [ ] HUNDRET The king holds WINTREBURNE [Winter- bourne 1 ]. It was part of Queen Eddid's land. Lane held it of her. Teodric holds it of the king at ferm. It was formerly (tune) assessed at 5 hides ; now it is assessed at nothing. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne is i ; and there are 4 villeins and 1 1 bordars with 4 ploughs. There are 2 acres of meadow and woodland to render (de) 3 swine. T.R.E. it was worth 6 pounds ; afterwards 50 shillings; now 4 pounds. II. THE LAND OF THE BISHOP OF WINCHESTER IN HILLESLAU [ ] HUNDRET Walchelin, Bishop of Winchester, has OLVRICESTONE [Woolstone 2 ] (which finds) support (de victu) for the monks. T.R.E. it was assessed at 20 hides ; it is now assessed at 10. There is land for 11 ploughs. On the demesne are i ploughs; and (there are) 12 villeins and 24 bordars with 2^ ploughs. There are 10 serfs and 2 mills worth (de) 12 shillings and 6 pence, and 150 acres of meadow. Of this manor Roger (de) Ivrei holds 3^ hides of the bishop and there he has i plough. T.R.E. it was worth 16 pounds; afterwards 12 pounds; now (it is worth) 1 8 pounds. Yet it renders from the ferm 22 pounds. What Roger holds (is worth) 3 pounds. IN BLITBERIE [BLEWBURY] HUNDRET The bishop himself holds HARWELLE [Harwell 3 ] in the demesne of his bishopric. Bishop Stigand held it T.R.E. (It was) then (assessed) at 1 5 hides ; now (it is assessed) at 10 hides. There is land for 8 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs; and (there are) 18 villeins and 5 cottars with 6 ploughs. There are 4 serfs and a mill worth (de) 30 pence and 45 acres of meadow ; and in Walengefort [Wallingford] 3 closes (hagte) worth (de) 15 pence. T.R.E. and afterwards it was worth 12 pounds ; now 16 pounds. IN ESLITEFORD [ ] HUNDRET The bishop himself holds BRISTOWELLE [Brightwell 3 ] 4 as belonging to (the fee of) his 1 Now in the Hundred of Faircross. 2 Now in the Hundred of Shrivenham. 3 Now in the Hundred of Moreton.

  • According to Testa de Nevill (p. 125),

' Brictewell,' and a certain part of 'Harewell' were held by the Bishops of Winchester in almoin, as the gift of a certain Wulward (F.W.R.). bishopric. Bishop Stigand held it T.R.E. It was then assessed at 20 hides ; now (it is as- sessed) at 10 hides. There is land for 16 ploughs. On the demesne are 4 ploughs ; and (there are) 17 villeins and 1 6 cottars with 9 ploughs. There are 1 5 serfs and a mill worth (de) 20 shillings. There is a church. And from the land-court (fees) (de placith terree) in Wallingford belong to this manor 25 shillings. T.R.E. and afterwards it was worth 20 pounds; now 25 pounds. III. THE LAND OF THE BISHOP OF SALISBURY IN CERLEDONE [CHARLTON] HUNDRET Osmund Bishop of Salisbury holds SONIN- GES [Sonning G ] in demesne as of his bishop- ric. T.R.E. it was assessed at 60 hides; now (it is assessed) at 24. There is land for 46 ploughs. On the demesne are 5 ploughs ; and (there are) 40 villeins and 1 6 bordars with 41 ploughs. There are 10 serfs and 2 mills worth (de) 12 shillings and 6 pence and 5 fisheries worth (de) 30 shillings, and 40 acres of meadow, and woodland to render (de) 300 swine. T.R.E. it was worth 50 pounds and afterwards, as now, 40. Of the appurten- ances of this manor Aubrey de Coci held 20 hides in HILDESLEI [ ] which of right belong to the aforesaid manor of the Bishop. Roger the priest holds i church in Walengeford [Wallingford], which of right belongs to this manor. IN WANETINZ [WANTAGE] HUNDRET The same bishop holds of the king i^ hides 8 and Tori holds them of him. Tori's father held them T.R.E. and could go to what lord he wished (potuit ire quo voluit) ; but for his protection he betook himself (se commisit) to Bishop Herman ; and Tori betook himself in like manner to Bishop Osmund. Formerly (tune) as now (it was assessed) at i^ hides. There is only land for 5 oxen (to plough), yet on the demesne is I plough with i cottar, and there is a mill worth (de) 6 shillings and 3 pence. T.R.E. it was worth 15 shillings ; afterwards 2O shillings ; now 30 shillings. 6 Now in the Hundred of Sonning. No place is named. This holding was prob- ably in East Hendred, where Testa de Nevill gives (p. 125) John de Hanret as holding in ' East- hanreth ' I hide of the Bishop of Salisbury. See also note under 'Henret' in the King's land (p. 333) (F.W.R.). 335