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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE IN ROEBERG 1 [ ] HUNDRET The same bishop holds WINTREBORNE [Winterbourne *]. Rannulf Flammard holds it of him. Bishop Herman held it. It then was assessed at 2 hides ; now (it is assessed) at nothing. There is land for I plough. On the demesne is half a plough with 4 bordars. It is worth 20 shillings. IIII. THE LAND OF THE BISHOP OF DURHAM IN BENES [BEYNHURST] HUNDRET The Bishop of Durham holds of the king WALTHAM [White Waltham, alias Waltham Abbots 3 ] 4 in almoin. Ulwin, a canon, held it of Earl Harold and it belonged to the church of Waltham. Then as now (it was assessed) at 3 hides. There is land for 6 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ; and (there are) 8 villeins and 3 cottars with 4 ploughs. There are 3 serfs and 3 acres of meadow and woodland to ren- der (de) 6 swine. T.R.E. it was worth 60 shillings; afterwards 70 shillings ; now 100 shillings. fo. 8b V. THE LAND OF BISHOP OSBERN IN GAMESFEL [GANFIELD] HUNDRET Bishop Osbern holds BOCHELAND [Buck- land 6 ] in demesne belonging to (the fee of) his bishopric, he asserts. Ulvric Chenp dwelt there T.R.E. On the matter of the bishop's possession (unde) the court did not decide but sent the case to be tried before the king (sed ante regem ut judicet dimiserunt). It was formerly (tune) assessed at 15^ hides; now (it is assessed) at 8 hides. There is land for 6 ploughs. There is nothing on the demesne ; but (there are) there 9 villeins and 7 cottars with 4 ploughs. A church is there and 7 serfs and a mill worth (de) 12 shillings and 6 pence and 4 fisheries worth (de) 20 shillings and 6 pence and 220 acres of meadow and a dairy 1 The name of this Hundred is, in Testa de Ncvill, Rughebergh ; in Feudal Aids, 1316, Rou- bergh (F.W.R.). 2 Now in the Hundred of Faircross. ' Now in the Hundred of Beynhurst.

  • This part of Waltham Abbots appears to have

been afterwards restored to Waltham Abbey. For in Testa de Nevill (p. 124) we find that the Abbot of Holy Cross (Waltham) held ' Herwode Waltham ' in demesne. This was part of what is now White Waltham (Abbots), as appears from the Hundred it was in. ' Herwode ' is possibly a corruption of ' Harolds ' ; and Herwode Waltham would thus be Harold's Waltham (F.W.R.). ' Now in the Hundred of Ganfield. farm (uica) producing 10 weys of cheeses worth 32 shillings and 4 pence. T.R.E. it was worth 1 6 pounds ; and after that 1 2 pounds ; now 8 pounds. VI. THE LAND OF THE BISHOP OF COUTANCES IN NACHEDEDORNE [ j] HUNDRET Bishop Goisfrid holds CONTONE [Comp- ton 'J. Oda held it of King Edward. It was then assessed at 5 hides ; it is now assessed at 2^. There is land for [ ]. On the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 9 villeins and 4 bordars with 5 ploughs. There are 5 serfs and woodland to render (de) 10 swine. T.R.E. and afterwards it was worth 4 pounds; now 100 shillings. VII. THE LAND OF THE CHURCH (ABBEY) OF ABINGDON IN HORNIMERE [HORMER] HUNDRET The abbey of Abbendone [Abingdon] holds COMENORE [Cumnor 7 ]. It has belonged to the abbey T.R.E. and since (semper). T.R.E. it was assessed at 50 hides ; now (it is assessed) at 30 hides. There is land for 50 ploughs. On the demesne are 9 ploughs ; and (there are) 60 villeins and 69 bordars with 26 ploughs. There are 4 serfs and 2 mills worth (de) 50 shillings; and from the fisheries (come) 40 shillings ; and there are 200 acres of meadow. There is a church. T.R.E. it was worth 30 pounds; and afterwards, as now, 50 pounds. Of these 50 hides Anschil holds 5. Norman held them T.R.E. as one manor. It is called SEUACOORDE [Seacourt 7 J, and he could not go (with it) to what lord (quo) he wished. It paid geld for 5 hides with the others above mentioned. There is land for 7 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 12 villeins and 15 bordars with 5 ploughs. T.R.E. it was worth 100 shillings ; and after- wards 70 shillings ; now 8 pounds. In WINTEHAM [Wytham 'J Hubert holds of the abbot 5 hides of the land of the villeins. They were 4 and they paid geld with the hides of the manor. The thegn's hide was exempt from payment (quieta fait), but he could not go (with it) to what lord (quo) he wished. There is land for 2 ploughs. On the demesne are i ploughs ; and (there are) 4 villeins and 1 1 bordars. There are 64 acres of meadow. 6 Now in the Hundred of Compton. 7 Now in the Hundred of Hormer. 336