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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS T.R.E. and afterwards it was worth 50 shil- lings ; now 4 pounds. Of the aforesaid hides Osbern holds in COMENORE [Cumnor *] 2^ and they paid geld for as much, together with the other hides. Two alodiaries held them of the abbot. There is land for 2 ploughs. On the de- mesne is i plough with I villein and 3 bor- dars. It was (formerly) worth 60 shillings ; now 40 shillings. Rainald holds i hide in COMENORE [Cum- nor] ; and this paid geld for I hide along with the others. There is land for i plough. It was (formerly) worth 20 shillings; now IO. 2 The abbey itself holds BERTUNE [Barton 3 ] in demesne. T.R.E. it was assessed at 60 hides ; now (it is assessed) at 40. There is land for 40 ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ploughs ; and (there are) 64 villeins and 36 bordars with 34 ploughs, and 10 traders dwelling in front of the door of the church paying 40 pence. In Bertune are 2 serfs and 24 ' coliberts ' and 2 mills worth 40 shillings and 5 fisheries worth (de) 18 shillings and 4 pence, and 200 acres of meadow and 1 5 shil- lings (coming) from pasture, and 2 mills be- longing to (/') the court of the abbot not paying dues (sine censu). T.R.E. it was worth 20 pounds ; and afterwards as now 40 pounds. Of these 60 hides Rainald holds i manor of the abbot in mortgage (uadimonid) : SIPENE [Shippon 4 ]. Ednod the Staller held it T.R.E. and it did not then belong to (nun fuit tune in) the abbey. Earl Hugh gave it to the abbey. It then (T.R.E.) was assessed at 5 hides ; it is now assessed at i hide. There are on the demesne 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 2 villeins and 5 bordars with i plough, and 4 serfs, and 20 acres of meadow. The same man holds there of the abbot 3 hides. Alward a priest and Lewin a gold- smith held them of the abbot and could not leave their lord (nee poterant recedere). Then as now it was assessed at 3 hides. On the demesne he has i plough with I bordar and 1 8 acres of meadow and a fishery worth (de) 5 pence. This land is (sufficient) for 4 ploughs. T.R.E. it was worth 7 pounds ; afterwards 100 shillings ; and now 6 pounds. 1 Now in the Hundred of Hornier. 3 This is the end of the Cumnor entries. 3 Near Abingdon, now in the Hundred of Hormer. Now in the Hundred of Hormer. Hugh the cook holds of the abbot in BER- TUNE [Barton 4 ] i hides and in SANFORD [Dry Sandford 4 ] 2 hides. Lewin and Nor- man held these but they could not go to another lord (recedere nan potuerunt). There are i^ ploughs with i bordar and 6 acres of meadow. There is land for 2 ploughs. It is worth 40 shillings. Of the aforesaid 60 hides Anschil and Gil- bert hold in BAIORDE [Bay worth 4 ] 10 hides of the abbot. Ulvric held them and could not go to another lord (recedere nan potuit). These 10 hides are assessed at 8. There are (on the demesne) 3 ploughs ; and (there are) 9 villeins and 8 bordars with 4^ ploughs. There are 5 serfs and 60 acres of meadow. There is land for 8 ploughs. It was (formerly) worth 10 pounds ; now 8 pounds. Of the same manor and of the same land Warin holds 4 hides in SOGOORDE [Sug- worth 4 ], and Berner 5 hides in SONINGEWELL [Sunningwell] and in CHENITUN [Kenning- ton 4 ]and Alwin i hide in GENETUNEi[Kenning- ton *]. Six Englishmen held this and could not go from the lordship of the abbey (et ab ecc/esia recedere non potuerunt]. There is land for 6 ploughs and it paid geld along with the other hides. There are 3 ploughs (on the demesne) ; and (there are) 7 villeins and 18 bordars with i plough and 5 serfs, and no acres of meadow. It was formerly worth 1 2 pounds ; now i o pounds. 5 IN ROEBERG [ ] HUNDRET The abbey itself holds CIVELEI [Chieve- ley 6 ]. It has held it T.R.E. and since (semper). T.R.E. it was assessed at 2 7 hides ; now (it is assessed) at 7^ hides. There is land for 20 ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ploughs ; and (there are) 28 villeins and 10 bordars with 1 8 ploughs. There are 3 serfs and 4 acres of meadow and woodland to render (de) 60 swine. Of this land William holds of the abbot 5 hides, and Godefrid i hides and there is I plough there with 3 villeins and 2 bordars having i plough and 3 acres of meadow. The whole T.R.E. and after- wards was worth 12 pounds. The abbot's portion is now worth 10 pounds ; that of his men 50 shillings. The abbey itself holds WALIFORD [Wei- ford 6 ] and has held it T.R.E. and since (semper). T.R.E. it was assessed at 50 hides ; now (it is assessed) at 37 hides. There is land for 24 ploughs. On the demesne are 5 ploughs; 337 8 This is the end of the Barton entries. Now in the Hundred of Faircross. 43