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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE and (there are) 33 villeins and 34 bordars with 22 ploughs. There are 9 serfs and 5 mills worth (de) 60 shillings and 2 churches and 40 acres of meadow. There is woodland to render (de) 20 swine. T.R.E. as afterwards and now it was worth 27 pounds. Of the land of this manor Reinbold holds LECANESTEDE [Leckhampstead *], 10 hides; and William 4 hides in WESTUN [Weston 1 ] and Berner 2 hides in BOVSORE [Boxford *]. These Bricstuin and Alfric and a certain reeve held of the abbot. They could not go to another lord (nee potuerunt recedere). There is land for 1 1 ploughs. There are 3 ploughs (on the demesne) ; and (there are) 12 villeins and 24 bordars with 6 ploughs and 6 serfs. There are 2 acres of meadow and a church. It is and was worth 10 pounds. Walter de Rivere holds, of the abbot, BEDENE [Beedon *]. Norman held it of the abbot and could not go to what lord he wished (with it) (non potult ire quo voluit). It was then assessed at 10 hides; now (it is assessed) at 8 hides. Yet it had stood at 15 hides (tamen fuit pro xv hid '), but King Edward allowed them (to pass) as 1 1 (condonavit pro */), so they assert. There is land for 1 1 ploughs ; on the demesne are 2 ; and there are 1 1 villeins and i o bordars with 6 ploughs ; and 3 serfs are there. Of this same land a cer- tain knight (miles) holds 2 hides and he has there i plough with 3 bordars. T.R.E. it was worth 1 1 pounds and afterwards 6 ; now 8 pounds. The same Walter holds 2 hides in BENE- HAM [Benham l ]* Eddid held them T.R.E. and they were assessed for so much, then as now. Eddid herself could go (with them) to what lord she wished (ire quo vellei). There is land for i plough. There are 5 bordars and 20 acres of meadow nothing else. It is and was worth 30 shillings. This land did not belong to the abbey (non fuit in abbatia) T.R.E. but it is discharged from payment to the king (sed est quieta regi). 1 Now in the Hundred of Faircross. > In Feudal Aids, 1316, p. 49, Welford, with the hamlets of Weston, Eston, Benham and Boxford (all in ' Roubergh ' Hundred), is given as belonging to Abingdon. The part of Benham thus specified is given in Testa de Nevill (p. 124) as Holebenham [Hoe Benham]. This part of Benham is in the right Hundred, but the Abbey's possession could not have been the whole of Hoe Benham, since half a knight's fee is set down (Testa, p. 122) as belonging to the fief of the Earl of Hereford (F.W.R.). IN MERCEHAM [MARCHAM] HUNDRET The abbey itself holds MERCEHAM [Mar- cham 3 ]. It has held it T.R.E. and since (semper). T.R.E. it was assessed at 2O hides ; now (it is assessed) at 10 hides. There is land for i o ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ploughs; and (there are) 18 villeins and 10 bordars with 10 ploughs. A church is there and 6 serfs and a mill worth (de) 15 shillings and 100 acres of meadow. Of this land Anschil holds I hide ; Alwin held it of the abbot, and there is on the demesne I plough. The whole T.R.E. was worth 12 pounds and 10 shillings, and now the same. The abbey itself holds FRIELIFORD [Fril- ford 3 ]. It has held it T.R.E. and since (semper). T.R.E. it was assessed at (se defende- bat pro) IO hides as it is now (et modo facit). In the demesne are 4 hides. There is land for 4 ploughs. There are 8 villeins with 2 ploughs and 40 acres of meadow. It is and was worth 40 shillings. Of the land of this manor Rainald holds 4 hides and Renbald i hide and Salwi i hide. Five thegns held this of the abbot and could not change their lord (nee potuerunt recedere). There is land for 6 ploughs. There are 2^ ploughs (on the demesne); and (there are) 6 villeins and 10 bordars with 2 ploughs and 2 serfs, and there are 60 acres of meadow. The whole, T.R.E., was worth 70 shillings ; and afterwards the same sum, now 6 pounds. Rainbald holds of the abbot I hide in TOBENIE [Tubney ']. Norman and Alvric held it. T.R.E. as now it was assessed at I hide. There is land for 6 ploughs. On the demesne is nothing. There are 2 villeins and 1 6 bordars with 6 ploughs. There are 2 serfs and 1 5 acres of meadow. T.R.E. and afterwards it was worth 40 shillings ; now 4 pounds. William holds LEIE [Bessels Leigh 4 J S of the abbot, and Norman held it of the abbot T.R.E. Then as now it was assessed at I hide. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs; and there are 12 bordars with 3 ploughs. It was (formerly) worth 40 shillings ; now 4 pounds. 3 Now in the Hundred of Ock. Now in the Hundred of Hormer. In Feudal Aids, 1401-02, p. 59, it is stated that William Warbeltone holds two parts (f) of a knight's fee in ' Leghe' and ' Rokeleghe,' which Peter Besyles lately held. A Thomas Basseley also is given (p. 60) as holding of a knight's fee in ' Leghe.' All this seems now to have been merged in Bessels Leigh (F.W.R.). 338