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Abingdon [Abendone], Abbot of, 213, 217
Acard, 256a
Achet, Walter, 25147
Ælfgifu. See Alveva
Ælfric [Alvric], the chamberlain of King Edward, 267a, note 215
Ælfric [Alric], the cook, 216, 218, 274b
Ælfric. See also Alric, Alvric
Æthelric [Ailric], 217, 255b
Ailric. See Æthelric
Alan, 244a, 244b, note 243a
Albert, 267a
Albini [Albingi], Nigel de, 215, 231b, 268a
Alden, a man of Earl Harold, 261a
Aldene, a housecarl of King Edward, 219, 220, 272a
Aldeva, a man of, 243b
Aldred, a man of Earl Morcar, 260b
Alestan, 245a
Alfgar, a man of Edward cilt, 252a
Algar, Earl, 273a
a man of, 268a
Alii, a housecarl of King Edward, 220, 225, 241a, 273b
a man of, 273b
Almar, Almaer, 243b, 244a, 244b, 245b, 263b
Almar, a man of Brictric, 262a
Almar, a man of Earl Harold, 245b
Almar, a thegn, 251a
Aimer, a man of Bundi the staller, 255a
Alnod cilt (Chentisc), a thegn of King Edward, 217, 237b, 238b
a man of, 256b
Alric, 252b, 260a, 260b
men of, 230, 240b 252b, 266a
Alric, a man of Alwin son of Goding, 245b
Alric, a man of Earl Harold, 260b
Alric, a man of Osulf, 257b
Alric, a man of Bishop Wulfwig, 274a
Alric, Alvric, son of Coding, a man and thegn of King Edward, 218, 219, 248a, ,248b, 250a, 250b, 251a, 251b
men of, 219, 245b, 246a, 246b, 250b, 251a, 252a, 252b, 263a, 274a, 276b
Alsi, an Englishman, 208, 216, 217, 274b, 275a
brother of, 254a
wife of, 217, 275a
Aluene. See Alwen
Alverad, 245b
Alverad of Wing [Withunga], a man of, 244b
Alvered, Alvred, butler to the Count of Mortain, 246a, note 243a
Alvered of Thame [Tame], 273a
Alveva, sister of Earl Harold, man of, 236b
Alveva, sons of, 247b, 248a
Alveva, wife of Herold, 256b
Alvied of Aylesbury. See Aylesbury
Alviet, a man of Queen Edith, 251b
Alvred. See Alvered
Alvric, a man of Queen Edith, 271a
Alvric, a man of Godric the sheriff, 271a
Alvric, a thegn of King Edward, 270b, 271a
Alvric. See also Ælfric, Alric
Alward, a man of Coding, 256a
Alward, a man of Tovi, 270a
Alward, a thegn, 249b
men of, 245b, 249b
Alward cilt, a thegn of King Edward, 249b
a man of, 249b
Alwen, a certain woman, 224, 249b
Alwi, a man of Alward cilt, 249b
Alwi, a man of Alwin Varus, 260a
Alwi, a man of Brictric, 255a
Alwi, a thegn, 256b
Alwid, the maid, 258b
Alwin, brother of Bishop Wulfwig, 211, 269a
Alwin, a man of Eddeva the Fair, 271b
Alwin, a man of Queen Edith, 253b,253a 264a
Alwin, a man of Edwin son of Borret, 241b
Alwin, a man of Estan, 239a
Alwin, a man of Syred, 243a
Alwin of Nuneham (Courtenay). See Nuneham
Alwin, son of Coding, a man of, 245b
Alwin, a thegn of King Edward, 251a, 252a, 253a, 253b
Alwin, a man of, 245b
Ambrose, 253b
Andrew, 256b
Anschitil, 240a, 241a, 273b
Ansculf the sheriff (de Picquigny), 209, 213, 220, 225, 254a, 256a
Ansel, 265a
Ansgar [Asgar] the staller, 214, 233a, 259a
men of, 250b, 252a, 259a, 259b, 260a, 265b
Asgar. See Ansgar
Asgot, a man of Earl Harold, 236a
Atule, Edmar. See Edmar
Aubigny. See Albini
Aubrey, Earl, 209, 221, 231, 232b
Avelin, a man of, 234b, 236b
Avelin, a thegn of King Edward, 234b. 237a
Aylesbury [Elesberie], Alvied of, 245a
the church of, 233b
Azelina, widow of Ralf Tailgebosc, 220, 231b, 274b
Azor, men of, 237a, 245b, 261b, 269a