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Azor, son of Tored, a thegn of King Edward, 232b
Azor, son of Toti, a housecarl of King Edward and man of Queen Edith, 213, 219, 230, 258b, 268b, 269b, 269b, 272a, 272b
men of, 230, 237a, 2504, 272a

Baldwin [Balduin], 255b, 256b, 257a
men of, 246a, 257a
Baldwin [Balduin], a man of
Archbishop Stigand, 254a, 254b;
Baldwin [Balduin], son of Herluin, a man of, 237b
Barking [Berchinges], Abbess of, 231a, 242b
man of, 255a
Barking [Berchinges], Church of, 242b, 243a
Basset, Ralf, 213
Basset, Richard, 213
Bayeux, Odo Bishop of, 208, 210, 211, 212, 213, 217, 218, 224, 230 231a, 234b, 235a, 235b, 236a, 236b, 237a, 237b, 238a,
238b, 239a
Beauchamp, Hugh de, 215, 231a, 263b, 264a
Bee, Walter de, 2494
Berevile, Bereville, Nigel de, 231b, 268b
Bernard, 245a, 255a
Berner, 250a, 270b
Berseres, Bersers, Urse de, 231b, 271b
Bisi, a man of, 256a
Bisi, a thegn of King Edward, 263a, 265a
Blacheman, a man of Earl Tosti(g), 241b, 242a
Blossevile, Gilbert de, 273b
Boding the constable, 214, 265a, 265b
Boding. See also Bondig the staller
Bolbec [Bolebec, Bolebech, Molebee], Hugh de, 208, 213, 221, 231a, 247b, 249a, 264a, 264b, 265a
Bolbec, Osbern de, 213
Bolest, Alric, 277b
Bondig [Bondi, Bundi] the staller,
men of, 246a, 255a
Bonvaslet, William, 240a
Borgeret. See Borret
Borret, Borgeret, Burgered, a thegn of King Edward, 217, 240b, 241a
men of, 240b, 241a, 246b, 269a
sons of, 240a, 241b, 246a
Boscroard, William de, 257b
Braose, William de, 215
Brian Fitz Count, 214
Brictric, 2446
Brictric, men of, 237a, 244a, 255a,255b, 261a, 261b, 262a, 262b, 264b, 267b, 270a
Brictric, Brihtric, a man of Queen Edith, 214, 218, 258a, 261b, 262a, 264b
Brictric, Brihtric, a thegn of King Edward, 258b, 263a, 267a
Brictuin, a man of Earl Harold, 247a
Brictuin, a man of Earl Tosti(g), 254b
Brienz, 253a
Brihtric. See Brictric
Brixtuin, a thegn of King Edward, 245b
Bruman, a man of Archbishop Stigand, 245b
Buckingham [Bochingeham], the church of, 234a
Bundi the staller. See Boding, Bondig.
Burchard [Burcard] (of Shenley), housecarl and thegn of King Edward, 219, 230, 247a, 247b
Burgered, Burgeret. See Borret

Cahainges, William de, 260a
Canterbury Cathedral (Christ Church), 233a
Lanfranc, Archbishop of, 210, 211, 223, 224, 231a, 232b, 233a
Stigand, Archbishop of, 233b, 236a
men of, 236a, 243b, 245a, 245b, 254a, 254b, 266a, 266b
Castellon, William de, 230
Celsi (? Cholsey), William de, 256a
Chava, Lewin, the king's bailiff (prefctus), 275b
Chentis, a man of Levenot son of Osmund, 247a
Chester, Hugh, Earl of, 208, 212, 219, 221, 230, 231a, 247a
Chetel, 276a
Cioches, Gunfrey (Gunfrid) de, 231b, 272b
Clare, Richard de, 218
Coleman, a man of Brictric, 261a
Cookham [Cocheham] (Berks), Church of, 223, 243a
Coutances, Geoffrey Bishop of, 211, 216, 217, 218, 221, 225, 230, 231a, 239a, 239b, 240a, 240b, 241a, 241b, 268b, note 217
Cratel, Godric, 276a
Crawley (North) [Crauelai],
Church of St. Firmin, 224, 257a
Creslow [Cresslai], Wlwene, Wulwene of, 215, 263b
Crispin, Miles, 213, 214, 218, 219, 231a, 260a, 260b, 261a, 261b, 262a, 262b, 263a, note 214
wife of, 214.
Curci, Richard de, 217

Deus (?) men of (homo def), 241a, 241b, 264a
Dodinz, a man of Asgar the staller, 259a
Dot, a man of Deus, 264a
Drogo, 254a

Eadgifu. See Eddeva
Eadwine. See Eduin, Edwin
Eddeda, 249a. See also Eddeva
Eddeva, 240a
man of, 234b
son of, 217, 230, 246a
Eddeva the Fair, 247a
men of, 255a, 271b
Eddeva, wife of Syred, 230
Eddeva, Eadgifu, Eddeda, wife of
Wulfward White, 216, 217, 230, 239a, 249a
Eddid, Edid, Queen. See Edith
Edduin, a man of, 239b
Edduin. See also Edwin
Eddulf, 263a
man of, 239b
Eddulf, son of Borgret, 240a
Ederic, a man of Asgar the staller, 250b
Ederic. See also Edric of Marlow
Edestan, a man of Alnod Chentis, 256b
Edith [Eddid, Edid, Eddeva] Queen, 216, 217, 218, 236a, 236b, 239b, 240a, 249a, 258a, 259a, 266a, 274b, 276b
men of, 235b, 248a, 250b, 251b, 253a, 258a, 261b, 262a, 264a, 264b, 265a, 268b, 271a, 275a
Edmar ' atule,' a thegn of King Edward, 212, 217, 243b
Edmund, a thegn of King Edward, 259a
Edric of Marlow. See Marlow
Eduin, a man of Azor, 245b
Eduin. See also Edwin
Edward, a man of Earl Tosti(g), 253a
Edward, a thegn of King Edward 251a, 253a
Edward of Salisbury. See Salisbury
Edward cilt, 251b
a man of, 252a
Edward cilt, a man of Earl Harold, 244a
Edward cilt, a thegn of King Edward, 249b, 250a