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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL ZOANTHARIA The Zoantharia, which include the sea anemones and corals, were made a subject of special study by Dr. Cocks at Falmouth, who not only gave a list of local species in his 'Fauna of Falmouth' in 1849, but published a descriptive account of all the county species he had examined, with plates, in the Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornw. Polyt. Sac. (1852). Mrs. Gough, of Penzance, devoted a considerable amount of attention to the sea anemones of Mount's Bay, and embodied her observations in a paper in the Trans. Penz. Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Sec. (new ser.), ii. (1885-8). 1. Actinoloba diantbus, Ellis (MetriJium senilis, L.). F. c. along S. coast from Whitsand B. to Sennen within l.w-m. on sheltered shelving rocks, in tidal caves, and occ. to 25 fm. ; St. Ives, Newquay, Boscastle, rock-pools of Annett, and from 40 fm. off Menavawr, Scilly! 2. Sagartia bellis, E. & S. (Cereus pedunculatus, Pennant). Locally c. all round the coast and at Scilly on indented and fissured rocks, in rock- pools and in crevices in muddy nooks. Of Gosse's vars., tyriensis, versicokr, modesta and sordida all occur about Mount's B. Cocks's S. Johnstoni from Gyllyngvase is probably a variety of this species 3. S. miniata, Gosse. Plymouth district (M.B.A.) Gorran! Coverack! Mount's B. (Mrs. Gough), Scilly and Boscastle! 4. S. rosea, Gosse. Recorded so far only from the Manacles and from Scilly (Alford) 5. S. ornata, Holdsworth. Single specs, from Mount's B. (Tregelles), Padstow on the roots of Lamm- aria digitata 6. S. venusta, Gosse. St. Michael's Mt. (Marquand), Annett, Scilly and near Newquay on washed-up Laminaria 7. S. nivea, Gosse. Once at Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; also on a Pinna valve in trawl refuse, Meva- gissey! and at Scilly (Alford) 8. S. (TAof) sphyrodeta, Gosse. Plymouth S. (M.B.A.); Scilly (Alford) 9. S. palllda, Holdsworth. Found by Tregelles in trawl refuse from Mount's B. 10. S. coccmea, Mtlller. Peach Found on the S. coast by II. S. troglodytes, Gosse (Cylista undata, Mtlller). Gen. dist. along S. coast, in rock crevices be- tween t-m. just beyond l.w-m. and in deepish water ; c. Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; Whitsand B. (Couch), Polperro, Fowey, Gorran Haven, Falmouth, Coverack, Sennen, near Newquay, at Boscastle ; Tresco, Annett and St. Martin's, Scilly ! 1 2. S. (Cyliita) viduata, Mall. C. Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; Falmouth, and f.c. between t-m. at Helford ; Annett, Scilly! on 1 3 March, 1904, was abund. at Padstow after a violent gale ! 13. S. parasitica, Couch (Adamsia polypus, Forskal). Apparently n. unc. at 5 to 30 fm. gen. associated with Eupagurus bernhardus, but occ. found on Pinna ingens, Cyprina islandica, and on the claw of the Corwich crab, Maia squinado (Couch) ; 14. c. Plymouth, Fowey, Mevagissey, Gorran Haven, Falmouth, Helford, Penzance, St. Ives, Newquay, and at Scilly ! S. chrysosplcnium, Cocks. Scarce but occ. found under surfaces of stones at extreme l.w. and in rock-pools at Gyllyngvase, Pennance, Helford and St. Ives (Cocks) ; Laregan Rocks, Mount's B. (Mrs. Gough) Described by W. P. Cocks from specs, from Falmouth, but not satisfactorily iden- tified by any subsequent naturalist S. Alderi, Cocks. S. pellucida, Cocks. 6'. ram/ft, Cocks. S. bellil, Cocks. 16. 18. 19. 21, 22. 23' 24. Adamsia palRata, Bohadsch. Gen. dist. and c. on S. coast, 15 to 30 fm., with Eupagurus prideaux ; St. Ives, Newquay, Padstow and Scilly! Aeptasla Couchii, Cocks. Plymouth district not infrequently (M.B.A.); Falmouth, Mawnan Beach and Helford river (Cocks) Anthea cereus, E. & S. (Anemoma sulcata, Pennant). Abund. in bright shallow pools between t-m. all along the S. and locally on the N. coast ; Annett, Tresco, and St. Mary's, Scilly, c. ! vars. smaragdina, rustica, sulphurea, and alabastrina occur in Mount's B. (Mrs. Gough) Actinia mesembryanthemum, E. & S. (Actinia Eques, Linn.). Most abund. along S. and locally on N. coast, and at Scilly on rocks and stones between t-m. The eleven vars. described by Gosse occur in Mount's B. (Mrs. Gough) Bolocera tuediae, Johnst. Occ. among trawl refuse at Falmouth (Cocks), and once at Gorran Haven! Bunodes gemmacea, E. & S. Gen. dist. and often c. on exposed rocks and shallow pools between t-m. ; Annett abund. and f. c. in other parts of Scilly! B. Ballii, Cocks. Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; the type occurs sparingly about Falmouth and in Mount's B. from tidal ground to deep water. Var. dealbata at Fowey and Gorran Haven and funesta at Scilly (Alford) B. (Chitonactis) coronata, Gosse. A single spec, on the Rame-Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.), and one off the Dodman ! Egeon Alfordi, Gosse. Discovered by the Rev. D. P. Alford at Scilly, but apparently not referred to by subsequent writers] Paraphellia expansa, Haddon. A few specs, on the Eddystone Gnds. apparently buried in the sand ; Rame-Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) Tealia (Cbondractinia) digitata, Mull. A few about the Eddystone (M.B.A.) and about Fal- mouth (Cocks) ; one from Mount's B. (Dunn) 126