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MARINE ZOOLOGY 25. Tealia crassicornis, Muller (Urticina fellna, Linn). Gen. dist. and locally abund. along the entire coast and at Scilly, littoral to 20-30 fm. Gosse's five vars. recorded from Mount's B. (Mrs. Gough) 26. T. tuberculata, Cocks (?). C. on shelly ground off the Dodman, most frequently on valves of Cyprina islandlca and Pinna, also in 30 fm. of water W. of the Eddystone (Cunningham) ; Cocks found it on Pecten maximus 13m. SW. of Falmouth 27. I ly an thus Mitchelli, Gosse. A dead spec, obtained by Tregelles from trawl refuse, Penzance 28. Peachia kastata, Gosse. A single living spec. Helford, 25 Oct. 1905 ! 29. Halcampa chrysanthellum, Peach. Discovered by Peach under stones in muddy sand near l.w. Fowey ; found by Cocks and by Vallentin at Falmouth ; N. of Tresco, 1 903 ! 30. Gonactinia prolifera, Sars. Dredged for the first time off the coast of Great Britain by Vallentin on old oyster shells near the Vilt Buoy, Fal- mouth, on 5 June, 1893 ; found again by the same naturalist on some clean dead oyster valves from the main channel of Falmouth Harb. early in July, 1897 3 1 . Edwardda calRmorpha, Gosse. Several dead and one living spec, in trawl refuse at Falmouth, 1899! 32. E. carnea, Gosse. Two specs. Mevagissey, 1897 33. Cetianthus Lloydii, Gosse. Once, Drakes Is.; single adult spec, taken in muddy sand off Fowey, 1901! the free-swimming larvae Arachnact'u albida often abund. in tow-net gatherings at Falmouth 34. Zoanthus (Epizoantfius) Couchii, Johnst. F. c. in deep water off the south coast ; St. Ives, New- quay, and off N. of Tresco, Scilly ! 35. Z. incrustatus, Dtlben and Koren. A characteris- tic species of, and confined to, the ' Outer ' trawling gnds. at the Eddystone (M.B.A.) ; in trawl refuse, Penzance, 1903 ! 36. Capnea sanguinea, Forbes. Obtained by Cocks on a valve of Pecten maximus dredged 4 leagues W. of Falmouth ; from about 40 fm. to W. of Menavawr, Scilly! 37. Aureliania auguita, Gosse. One spec, found by Tregelles among trawl refuse from Mount's B. ; one at Boscastle that lived in captivity for several weeks ! 38. A. heterocera, Thompson. One spec, found by Tregelles on trawl refuse, Mount's B. 39. Corynactls I'lndis, Allman. F. gen. in dist. and not r. on rocky ground on S. coast between t-m. to 20 or 30 fm. ; St. Ives, Newquay, and Boscastle, and frequently at Scilly! 40. Caryophyilia Smithii, Stoker. Gen. abund. on stones and shells and in crevices in rocky stations on S. coast at 20 fm. or more ; New- quay, Cowrie Haven near Bude and at Scilly! 41. Sphenotrochus Wrightil, Gosse. Obtained by Peach in Lantivet B. 42. S. Macandrevianus, Thompson. Dredged off Scilly by MacAndrew and obtained by Peach off the Dodman. 43. Balanophyllia regia, Gosse. N. unc. on W. coast at extreme 1. w. ; Mousehole and St. Michael's Mt. (Marquand), Sennen B.! between Zennor and St. Ives (J.C.), E. of Godrevy (Dr. Mont- gomery) CTENOPHORA These have received little attention, and there are certainly more species in the county waters than the four given below : I . Bofina infundibulum, Fab. Abund. some years about Plymouth, May ; also recorded in Sept. 2 Berne cucumis, Fab. A few small specs, at Plymouth ; Scilly ! Specs, of Beroe occ. Falmouth, but not identified 3. B. ovata, Eschscholtz. A very early stage, Scilly, May, 1903 (Browne). 4. Pleurobranchia pilots, Fab. Abund. about Plymouth towards end of May, and in some years c. Mevagissey and Falmouth, B. ECHINODERMA The literature on Cornish Echinoderms consists chiefly of a very full list of the species from Falmouth Harbour and Bay by Dr. Cocks in the Trans. Penz. Nat. Hist, and Ant. Soc. (old ser.), i, and in his 'Fauna of Falmouth' (Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornw. Polyt. Soc. 1849), of a paper on the ' Echinodermata of Mount's Bay,' by Mr. G. F. Tregelles (Penz. Trans, new. ser. i), and of the section on Echinodermata in the "Joum. Marine Biol. Assoc. vol. vii, pt 2. In the Catalogue of British Echinoderms by Professor F. Jeffrey Bell, many Cornish specimens are referred to. Records from this British Museum Catalogue are marked (B.M.) in the following list. In North's Week at the Isles of Scilly a brief list of species is given from the western archipelago : Synapta Jigitata, Montagu. Occ. specs. Rame- Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; Polperro (B.M.) ; Falmouth (Cocks), Helford river ! S. Inbaerens, O. F. Mull. On gravelly bottom, Polperro (B.M.) ; Helford river ! Scilly ! Cucumaria brunnea, Thompson. C. on hydroids, algae, etc., from rocky ground and from trawl- ing gnds. around Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; off the Dodman ! Falmouth B. ! 127