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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL 93 94. Nerine cirratulm, dclle Chiaje. E. side Plymouth S. (M. B. A.) ; Falmouth B. ; between t-m. on Mullion beach ! N. conlocephala, Johnst. On E. side Drake's Is. (M. B. A.) ; rather deep in the sand near 1. w. Gyllyngvase ! 95. Aonides oxycephala, Sars. Devonshire side Ply- mouth district (M. B. A.) ; in Zostera Hel- ford ! 96. Polydora clliata, Johnst. Boring in limestone of Plymouth Breakwater (M. B. A.) ; in soft mud tubes, St. Mawes and Helford ! 97. P. flava, Claparede. In crevices and debris of shale, Rat Is. at mouth of the Lynher (M. B. A.) ; Mevagissey and Veryan B. ! 98. P. caeca, Oersted. Eddystone Gnds. (M. B. A.) ; on a sponge from 60 fm. off the Dodman ! 99. P. hoplura, Claparede. Boring in the limestone of Plymouth Breakwater (M.B.A.) ico. Poecilochaetus serpent, Allen. Larvae in tow- nettings in Falmouth B. end of June, 1905. 101. Chaetoptcrus variopedatui, Renier. C. in muddy gravel Eddystone and Rame-Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; occ. specs, alflng S. coast ; c. IO to 1 5 fm. off Pennance, Falmouth, and in shallow water off St. Martin's, Scilly ! 102. Magelona papilRcornis, Fr. Muller. Devonshire side of Plymouth district (M.B.A.). Deeply buried in sand between t-m. Gyllyngvase ! 103. Q'Jienla fuslformis, delle Chiaje. Devonshire side of Plymouth district (M.B.A.). In sand at 10 fm. Whitsand B. (Thomas) ; 3 specs. 15 fm. off Helford! 104. Audomnia tentacukta, Mont. C. locally in sand and gravel near h. w-m. Plymouth to Falmouth 105. A. cirratus, Mull. Under stones partly em- bedded in the sand, Gyllyngvase 1 06. Dodecaeeria concharum, Oersted. Boring in lime- stone Plymouth Breakwater, abund. (M.B.A.) ; among the roots of Laminaria, Talland B. (Thomas) 107. Amphitrite graciRf, Grube. C. in sand between t-m. and between layers of shale, Plymouth S., including Mt. Edgcumbe and Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; local in Falmouth B.! 108. A. johnstoni, Malmgren. Under stones partly embedded in mud and muddy sand near Fowey (Thomas) ; Falmouth and Helford ! 109. Terebella lapidana, Kahler. C. in shale, Rum B. Plymouth (M.B.A.); tubes horizontally adherent to the under surface of stones partly embedded in muddy sand at Helford ! no. Polymnla nebulosa, Mont. Locally c. between t-m. in muddy and shaly sand from Mt. Edgcumbe westwards ; occ. Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; 10 to 20 fm.offPolperro (Thomas) abund. I z fm. off Pennance ! n. unc. Falmouth Harb. Ill, I 12. 114. 115. 116, 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. I2 3 . 124. 125. 126. I2 7 . 128. I2 9 . 130. P. nesidemis, delle Chiaje. Between t-m. Mt. Edgcumbe (M.B.A.), Fowey (Martin) and Helford ! dredged in shallow water Asia shoal and Cawsand B. (M.B.A.), Mevagissey and Fal- mouth B. ! Lattice conehilega, Pallas. C. on sandy shores along S. coast W. to Porthcurnow ; Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; r. 20 to 30 fm. off Polperro ! on stones and shells in trawl refuse from Fal- mouth B. ; abund. at Helford (V.) ; Scilly Nicolea zostericola, Oersted. Somewhat scarce, N. side, Drake's Is. (M.B.A.) N. vcnustula, Mont. Occ. in 10 to 25 Gyllyngvase and at Bar Pt., Falmouth ! Pitta cristata, Mllll. One spec, dredged in shallow water off Helford ! Thelepus concinnatus, Fab. One spec, with tube attached to a valve of Cyprina islandica and covered with hydroids was found in trawl refuse Mevagissey! T. setosus, Quatrefages. Dredged on Queen's Gnd. and Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) Poly cirrus aurantiacus, Grube. Occ. Asia shoal Queen's Gnd. and Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; c. 10 to 20 fm. off Polperro (Thomas) ; Mevagissey and locally c. Falmouth B.! P. calienJrum, Claparede. In dredgings from Queen's Gnd. and Asia shoal (M.B.A.) ; Fowey (Martyn) Loimia medusa, Sav. In shell gravel near 1-w. Drake's Is. and on Queen's Gnd., Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; Polperro ! Fowey ; Pentewan beach, Mount's B. and Porthcurnow ! TcrcbelRttes stroemi, Sars. One spec. 4 m. SW. by S. of Rame Hd. (M.B.A.) ; one in 12 fm. off Pennance, Falmouth, on muddy sand ! MeSnna adriatlca, v. Marinzeller. In soft muu from between t-m. downwards, c. in Ply- mouth S. (M.B.A.) ; occ. Fowey (Martyn), Falmouth Harb. and Helford ! Amphicteis curvipalea, Claparede. One spec. 4 m. SW. by S. of Rame Hd. (M.B.A.) Pectinaria (Lagis) Koreni, Malmgren. C. S. of Batten Castle, Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; projecting from the sand at l.s.t. near Fowey (Martyn) ; once on the bar at Helford ! P. (Ampbicrtne) auricoma, Mull. Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.); once in trawlrefuse Mevagissey! P. belgica, Pall. Very sparingly from Gyllyng- vase to Helford ! Capitella capitata, Fab. Usually under stones and shale sand about l.w. ; Plymouth district (M.B.A.), Gerran's B. and Falmouth Harb.! Notomastus rubicunJus, Keferstein. Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; Fowey not infrequent (Martyn) N. latericeus, Sars. Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; Fowey occ. at l.w. (Martyn) Ammotrypane aulogaster, Rathke. Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; once in 20 fm. off Polperro '. '34