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MARINE ZOOLOGY 131. Polyophthalmus pictus, Dujardin. Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; scarce near 1. w-m. Nare Ft., Helford ! 132. Arenicola marina, Linn. Gen. dist. and locally abund. round coast and at Scilly between t-m. 133. A. grubei, Claparede. Drake's Is. and else- where in Plymouth S. (M.B.A.) 134. A. ecaudata, Johnst. Drake's Is. (M.B.A.) ; off Polperro (Thomas) ; Helford ! in mud and sand between t-m. at Mount's B. (R.Q.C.) 135. Sclerocheilus mlnutus, Grube. Occ. Asia shoal (M.B.A.) ; once Falmouth B.! 136. StylarioiJei (Trophonia) plumosa, Mall. Asia shoal and elsewhere in Plymouth S. (M.B.A.) ; 20 to 30 fm. off Polperro (Thomas) ; among laminarian roots Gorran Haven ! 137. Siphonosloma (Flabelligera) diphchaltos, Otto. Once under stones at l.s.t. Pentewan ! 138. S. (Flabelfigera) affinls, M. Sars. Between t-m. on Drake's Is., under Rame Hd. and in dredg- ings from Queen's Gnd. (M.B.A.) ; between t m. Polperro (Thomas) ; in deepish water off Mevagissey ! 139. Sabel/a pavonina, Sav. Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; sparingly off the bar at Helford ! 1 40. Brancbiomma vesiculosum, Mont. Drake's Is. and Barn Pool, Plymouth S. (M.B.A.) ; Fowey (Martyn) ; single specimens twice on the bar at Helford ! at l.s.t. near Marazion ! 14.1. Dasychone bombyx, Dalyell. Asia shoal, Queen's Gnd. and Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.); in muddy sand 12 fm. off Pennance, Falmouth ! at l.s.t. near Marazion ! river 150. Filograna implexa, Berkeley. Occ. in trawl refuse and dredgings, Plymouth to Helford ; abund. on the old piles, Penzance docks and pier ; c. at Fowey (Martyn) and in Falmouth Harb. ! 151. Splrorbis boreafis, Daudin. C. almost every- where on Fucus, stones, shells, &c. 152. Protula tubularia, Mont. Rame-Eddystone and Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.); Polperro (R.Q.C.) ; n. unc. in trawl refuse about Mevagissey, Falmouth and Helford ! Mount's B. (R.Q.C.) 153. Sabellaria alvtolata, Linn. C. irregularly along S. coast on rocks on sandy shores from Whit- sand B. westward. The mound-like colonies reach their greatest development on N. coast, esp. on the outer rocks of the foreshore N. and S. of Polzeath sands and on Lundy beach, where they occ. reach a length of 4 or 5 ft. and a thickness of ij to i ft. 154. S. spinulosa, Leuckart. Attached to shells, stones, and clinkers from Queen's Gnd., Asia shoal and Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; 10 to 30 fm. off Polperro (Thomas), in trawl refuse from off Mevagissey! Falmouth, and Wolf Rk. ; dredged occ. 20 to 25 fm. Falmouth B. ! MYZOSTOMARIA I. Myzostomum cirriferum, Leuckart. C. sometimes abund. on Antedon blfida along S. coast, and at Scilly. OLIGOCHAETA I. CKtelKo arenarius, Claparede. In mud at Drake's Is. and on the shores of Plymouth S. (M.B.A.); Falmouth Harb. and Helford ! 142. Chant infundibunformis, Kroyer. One spec., with 2. the tube attached terminally to a small clinker near Helford ! 143. Potamilla rentformis, Mull. One in an old oyster shell near mouth of Falmouth Harb. ! 144. P. torelli, Malmgren. C. near mouth of Helford I. 2. 145. Bispira vohtacornts, Mont. Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; in deep crevices at l.s.t. near Mevagissey, and at St. Michael's Mt. ! v. c. on Mawnan beach in 1901, but none found in 1905 ! 1 46. Myxlfola infundibultim, Renier. N. side Drake's Is. and in Barn Pool (M.B.A.) ; c. in Helford river at l.s.t. ! 147. Serpula vermicularts, Linn. Occ. Plymouth S., Rame-Eddystone and Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.); n. unc. down to 30 fm. off Polperro (Tho-nas); in trawl refuse Mevagissey and from 60 fm. off the Dodman ! c. locally on stones, shells,and corallines down to 25 fm. in Falmouth B. ! Mount's B. and Sennen B ! 148. Pomatoceros trlqueter, Linn. C. along S. coast between t-m. to 30 fm. ; Whitsand B., Land's End ! occ. on N. coast, and at Scilly ! 149. Hydroides norvegica, Gunn. C. esp. on shells along S. coast ; 20 fm. off Polperro, abund. (Thomas) '35 i. C. ater, Claparede. In mud at Drake's Is. and on shores of Plymouth S. (M.B.A.) ; Falmouth Harb.! GEPHYREA Petahstoma minutum, Keferstein. Plymouth (M. B. A.) ; Helford (Thomas) P/iascofion strombi, Mont. Frequent at intervals along the whole of the S. coast in shells of Aporrhais pes-pelecani Thalassema neptunt, Gaert. C. Drake's Is. in stones from Asia shoal, Queen's Gnd. r. (M. B. A.) ; c. Polperro (Thomas) ; c. Falmouth B. ; off the Lizard ! Phoronii hippocrepla, Wright. Abund. Plymouth S. and at times at least c. along S. coast to Mount's B. HIRUDINEA Pontobdella muricata, L. Occ. on the outside gnds. around Plymouth, parasitic on the skate (M. B. A.) CHAETOGNATHA Sagltta bipunctata, Quoy and Gaimard. In tow- nettings throughout the year and often abund.; Plymouth, Mevagissey, Falmouth, Mount's B. and Scilly