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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL BRYOZOA In addition to Hincks, the principal county workers on this attractive group have been R. Q. Couch, Peach, Cocks, and the late Mr. Bernard Magor of Penzance. Couch, Peach, and Cocks recorded their observations in the works referred to in the introduction to the Hydroids (q. v.). Magor embodied his in a paper on 'The Polyzoa of West Cornwall' (Tram. Penz. Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Sue. new series, i, 1884). The examination of the Truro Collection is not yet completed. 22. 1. Aetea anguina, Linn. Evidently f. c. at intervals 19. along the S. coast, Plymouth to Porthgwarra ; occ. cast up in quantity at St. Ives, and in 2O Oct. 1 904 at Padstow ! local at Scilly 2. A. recta, Hincks. F. c. on Rame-Eddystone 2I< Gnds. (M. B. A.), c. Polperro, Gorran (R. Q. C.), and off the Dodman (P.) ; once at Scilly ! 3. A. truncata, Landsborough. Cast up on an oyster shell at St. Ives in autumn 1903 ! 4. Eucratea chelata, Linn. Gen. dist. along S. coast; 2 , abund. St. Ives and occ. at Newquay, Padstow, and at Scilly ! 5. Gemellarla kricata, Linn. Polperro (R. Q. C.) 2 , and at Gorran Haven (P.) 6. Scrupocellatia reptans, Linn. Evidently abund. all 2 - round coast and at Scilly 7. 5. scrupea, Busk. Oft St. Ives on stones (H.) 8. S. scruposa, Linn. C. along S. coast; St. Ives, 2O - Padstow and Cowrie Haven near Bude ! 9. Caberea Elfisii, Flem. R. Q. Couch found a single ' ' but typical spec. ; off the Runnelstone (Magor) 10. C. Boryl, Audouin. One spec, found by Peach at Gorran Haven, one by Magor at Lamorna Cove and one also by Magor in Crow S. Scilly 11. Bicellaria ciliata, Linn. F. c. in Plymouth dis- trict (M. B. A.) ; n. unc. at Fowey; only occ. further W. ; twice at Scilly 12. Bugula avicularla, Linn. Eddystone and Rame- Eddystone Gnds. (M. B. A.) ; single specs, at Mevagissey and Mount's B. ; Helford ! off the Lizard and Porthgwarra (Magor) 3 : 13. B. flabellata, J. E. Gray. C. Plymouth S. and occ. on the Eddystone Gnds. (M. B. A.) ; 32- one spec, off Porthgwarra (Magor) 14. B.plumosa, Pallas. C. Plymouth (M. B. A.) ; r. 33- on rocky ground, Polperro (R. Q. C.) ; Falmouth (Miss Warren) , . 15. J?. turbinata, Alder. F. c. in dredgings Plymouth S. (M. B. A.) ; Falmouth (Cocks) ; on stone off Porthgwarra (Magor) ; on driftwood Per- 35. ranporth ! 16. Beania mirabifis, Johnst. Falmouth on crab float (Cocks) ; Mount's B. on Laminaria at 1. w. 36. (R. Q. C.) ; off Scilly on valve of Pecten maximus (McAndrew) 17. Flustra follacea, Linn. C. along S. coast ; Scilly and St. Ives 1 8. F. papyracea, E. and S. Queen's Gnd. Plymouth 3 8. (M. B. A.) ; single specs. 8 leagues S. of the Dodman, off the Dodman (P.), and off Porth- gwarra (Magor) 136 37- F. securifrons, Pallas. One spec, sent by Baily from Sennen ! F. carbasea, E. & S. Three small specs, sent by Baily from Sennen ! Membranlpora aurita, Hincks. On stones and shells off the Cornish coast (H.) M. catenularla, Jameson. On almost every Pinna drawn from deep water off the Dodman Pt. and W. to the Lizard (R. Q. C.) ; Eddystone Gnds. (M. B. A.) ; W. of Menavawr, Scilly ! M . curv'mstris, Hincks. The type spec, obtained 10 or 12 m. S. of Polperro in 40 fm. ; Eddy- stone Gnds. M. dumerili, Audouin. Eddystone Gnds. (M. B. A.) ; off the Dodman, 60 fm. (H.) M. Flemingi, Busk. Eddystone Gnds. (M. B. A.); off Porthgwarra (Magor) ; Land's End district (R. Q. C.) M.fustroldes, Hincks. Off the Dodman, 60 fm. (H.) M. spinifera, Johnst. Locally c. on S. coast on stones, shells, and laminarian roots between t-m. M. cratuula, Alder. C. on stones in beach pools at Whitsand B., Polperro, Gorran Haven, Fowey (R. Q. C.) ; in deep water off the Dodman (P.) M. imbellls, Hincks. On shells and stones from deep water off the Dodman (H.) M. lacroixi, Audouin. N. unc. on mussels Ply- mouth to Newquay ; abund. on dead oyster and mussel shells in the Fowey, c. in the Fal M. hexagona, Busk. Fowey Harb. and off the Dodman on an ascidian (P.) M. lineata. C. locally between t-m. along the S. coast ; St. Ives, Newquay, and Scilly ! M. membranacea, Linn. Gen. dist. and abund. on Laminaria digitata round coast and at Scilly M. pilosa, Linn. Abund. round coast and at Scilly on stones, shells, and esp. on fuci and corallines M. rosselii, Audouin. On Queen's Gnd. and Cawsand B., Plymouth (M. B. A.) ; Fowey Harb. and off the Dodman, r. (P.) ; Helford ! M. noduhsa, Hincks. One spec, sent in by Baily from Mount's B. ! Micropora coriacea, Esper. In deep water, Corn- wall (H.) ; on shell in Fowey Harb. and at Gorran Haven (P.) Steganoporella Smittii, Hincks. Founded on two specs, encrusting a Serpula found by Peach in deep water off the Cornish coast, one near Gorran Haven